1. The abode of Layla has rained where her traces settled,
Clouds pouring copiously from al-Wasm,
١. سَقى دارُ لَيلى حَيثُ حَلَّت رُسومُها
عِهادٌ مِنَ الوَسمِيِّ وُطفٌ غُيومُها
2. So how many a night has she sent me her apparition,
And how easy the terrain beyond her and her bundles.
٢. فَكَم لَيلَةٍ أَهدَت إِلَيَّ خَيالَها
وَسَهلُ الفَيافي دونَها وَحُزومُها
3. The lands thrive through her travel,
When she moves, her onlooker thrives and her breeze clears.
٣. تَطيبُ بِمَسراها البِلادُ إِذا سَرَت
فَيَنعُمُ رَيّاها وَيَصفو نَسيمُها
4. When the soul remembers you in longing,
The tears for remembering you pour and collect.
٤. إِذا ذَكَرَتكِ النَفسُ شَوقاً تَتابَعَت
لِذِكراكِ أُحدانُ الدُموعِ وَتومُها
5. God has ordained that I suffer agony from you,
Nights pass while it remains permanent.
٥. قَضى اللَهُ أَنّي مِنكِ ضامِنُ لَوعَةٍ
تَقَضّى اللَيالي وَهيَ باقٍ مَقيمُها
6. I incline with my heart away from you, then return it,
And I excuse myself regarding you, then blame it.
٦. أَميلُ بِقَلبي عَنكِ ثُمَّ أَرُدُّهُ
وَأَعذِرُ نَفسي فيكِ ثُمَّ أَلومُها
7. When the guided through God consider their morals,
You think the sky has multiplied its stars.
٧. إِذا المُهتَدي بِاللَهِ عُدَّت خِلالُهُ
حَسِبتَ السَماءَ كاثَرَتكَ نُجومُها
8. God has given the imam Muhammad
Special perfections among all of Quraysh.
٨. لَقَد خَوَّلَ اللَهُ الإِمامَ مُحَمَّداً
خُصوصَ مَعالٍ في قُرَيشٍ عُمومُها
9. His successorship from it and his family
With their preference in the deputies and protectors.
٩. أُبُوَّتُهُ مِنها خَلائِفُها الأُلى
لَها فَضلُها في النائِباتِ وَخيمُها
10. The discourse of honors is not happening,
Except where its ancientness was in the days of time.
١٠. وَلَيسَ حَديثُ المَكرُماتِ بِكائِنٍ
يَدَ الدَهرِ إِلّا حَيثُ كانَ قَديمُها
11. The community of Ahmad has confessed to him
The preference so its twisted and upright submitted to him.
١١. أَقَرَّت لَهُ بِالفَضلِ أُمَّةُ أَحمَدٍ
فَدانَ لَهُ مُعوَجُّها وَقَويمُها
12. And if they had rejected that right, they would not
Have ceased movement until the stars were stoning them.
١٢. وَلَو جَحَدَتهُ ذَلِكَ الحَقَّ لَم تَكُن
لِتَبرَحَ إِلّا وَالنُجومُ رُجومُها
13. Gifts from God have come to the prince of the faithful,
Plentiful with you, their great amount acknowledged.
١٣. هَنَتكَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ مَواهِبٌ
مِنَ اللَهِ مَشكورٌ لَدَيكَ جَسيمُها
14. And support of the religion of God when its command
Returned to you, expert in all matters.
١٤. وَتَأييدُ دينِ اللَهِ إِذ رُدَّ أَمرُهُ
إِلَيكَ فَرَوّى في الأُمورِ عَليمُها
15. The clan of Hashim in every east and west
Are the nobles of the people of the world and you are its noble one.
١٥. بَنو هاشِمٍ في كُلِّ شَرقٍ وَمَغرِبٍ
كِرامُ بَني الدُنيا وَأَنتَ كَريمُها
16. When they walk on your two sides with faces
That humble the moons of nighttime and humiliate them.
١٦. إِذا ما مَشَت في جانِبَيكِ بِأَوجُهٍ
تَهَضَّمُ أَقمارَ الدُجى وَتَضيمُها
17. I saw Quraysh when their glory was perfected
Their endeavors completed and their dreams realized.
١٧. رَأَيتُ قُرَيشاً حَيثُ أُكمِلَ مَجدُها
وَتَمَّت مَساعيها وَثابَت حُلومُها
18. The blackness of feathers followed one after another
From Salih to you with news that pleases their arrival,
١٨. تَوالى سَوادُ الريشِ مِن عِندِ صالِحٍ
إِلَيكَ بِأَخبارٍ يَسُرُّ قُدومُها
19. Circling, their speech gives tidings of victory,
While previously their aspect was prolonged gloom.
١٩. مُحَلِّقَةً يُنبي عَنِ النَصرِ نُطقُها
وَقَبلَكَ ما قَد كانَ طالَ وُجومُها
20. We give news of those dissenters that
Their great numbers fell reluctantly beneath the swords.
٢٠. نُخَبِّرُ عَن تِلكَ الخَوارِجِ أَنَّهُ
هَوى مُكرَهاً تَحتَ السُيوفِ عَظيمُها
21. I see the fortress of Islam when you took responsibility for it,
It ruins those who rebel against it and protects its sanctity.
٢١. أَرى حَوزَةَ الإِسلامِ حينَ وَليتَها
تُخَرِّمَ باغيها وَحيطَ حَريمُها
22. The oppressed regained their due right,
And its unfairness made way for them on the path.
٢٢. تَدارَكَ مَظلومُ الرَعِيَّةِ حَقَّهُ
وَخَلّى لَهُ وَجهَ الطَريقِ ظَلومُها
23. And the people of wickedness were guided when you guided them,
Brother of firmness that does not weaken or flag.
٢٣. وَبَصبَصَ أَهلُ العَيثِ حينَ هَداهُمُ
أَخو سَطَواتٍ ما يُبِلُّ سَليمُها
24. And Rome which you have been promised has been startled
By a drinking vessel when it was told of its adversary.
٢٤. وَقَد أَعتَتِ الرومُ الَّذي طولِبَت بِهِ
بِأَبريقَ لَمّا خُبِّرَت مِن غَريمُها
25. Is religion anything but jihad you lead us to promptly?
Or a prayer you stand firm to perform?
٢٥. هَلِ الدينُ إِلّا في جِهادٍ تَقودُنا
إِلَيهِ عِجالاً أَو صَلاةٍ تُقيمُها
26. The nights of the month passed except for a remainder
In which a fighter keeps vigil or stands in prayer.
٢٦. تَقَضَّت لَيالي الشَهرِ إِلّا بَقِيَّةً
تَهَجَدُ فيها جاهِداً أَو تَقومُها
27. And the easiest thing you presented to God seeking
His approval were days of obligatory fasting you observed.
٢٧. وَأَيسَرُ ما قَدَّمتَ لِلَّهِ طالِباً
لِمِرضاتِهِ أَيّامُ فَرضٍ تَصومُها
28. You abandoned diversions in self-discipline and isolation
In the verses of the remembrance of God recited by the Wise.
٢٨. هَجَرتَ المَلاهي حِسبَةً وَتَفَرُّداً
بِئاياتِ ذِكرِ اللَهِ يُتلى حَكيمُها
29. You mixed with pleasures though they are companions
Whose dwelling places and forms are delightful.
٢٩. وَأَخلَلتَ بِاللَذّاتِ وَهيَ أَوانِسٌ
مَرابِعُها مُستَحسَناتٌ رُسومُها
30. The world is not beautiful unless it is paired
With a beautiful afterlife where its bliss remains.
٣٠. وَما تَحسُنُ الدُنيا إِذا هِيَ لَم تُعَن
بِآخِرَةٍ حَسناءَ يَبقى نَعيمُها
31. You remaining with us is God's blessing upon us,
So we seek to perpetuate it with the fullest gratitude.
٣١. بَقاؤُكَ فينا نِعمَةُ اللَهِ عِندَنا
فَنَحنُ بِأَوفى شُكرِها نَستَديمُها