1. A garden clothed in dew and garments renewed
Becoming a sojourn for souls and place to repose
١. وَرَوضٍ كَساهُ الطَلُّ وَشياً مُجَدَّداً
فَأَضحى مُقيماً لِلنُفوسِ وَمُقعِدا
2. When the water's outpour you espy its bareness
The winds have shattered it, coldness imposed
٢. إِذا ما اِنسِكابُ الماءِ عايَنتَ خِلتَهُ
وَقَد كَسَّرَتهُ راحَةُ الريحِ بُرِّدا
3. Though stilled be the winds, its clarity you’d suppose
A bare, burnished sword, blade so smooth and exposed
٣. وَإِن سَكَنَت عَنهُ حَسِبتَ صَفاءَهُ
حُساماً صَقيلاً صافِيَ المَتنِ جُرِّدا
4. The doves' leaves around us then sing pleasant tones
Melodies that soothe, where troubles decomposed
٤. وَغَنَّت بِهِ وُرقُ الحَمائِمُ حَولَنا
غِناءً يُنَسّيكَ الغَريضَ وَمَعبَدا
5. Resent not time whilst it grants you comfort and ease
And reaching goals for which you’ve pursued
٥. فَلا تَجفُوَنَّ الدَهرَ مادامَ مُسعِداً
وَمَدَّ السُرى ما قَد حَباكَ بِهِ يَدا
6. Taking life as a fawn, that when sating thirst
Drank the full moon, then rested subdued
٦. وَخُذها مُداماً مِن غَزالٍ كَأَنَّهُ
إِذا ما سَقى بَدراً تَحَمَّلَ فَرقَدا