
I looked into my mirror, oh how I wish

جلوت مرآتي فيا ليتني

1. I looked into my mirror, oh how I wish
I had not looked and turned away instead.

١. جَلَوتُ مِرآتي فَيا لَيتَني
تَرَكتُها لَم أَجلُ عَنها الصَدا

2. So I would not see the whiteness that
Appeared in my hair and on my temple.

٢. كَي لا أَرى فيها البَياضَ الَّذي
في الرَأسِ وَالعارِضِ مِنّي بَدا

3. Oh what sorrow! Where is the youth that
Old age has transgressed upon?

٣. يا حَسرَتا أَينَ الشَبابُ الَّذي
عَلى تَعَدّيهِ المَشيبُ اِعتَدى

4. I grew old, ceaselessly full of regret,
For gray hair is the messenger of demise.

٤. شِبتُ فَما أَنفَكُّ مِن حَسرَةٍ
وَالشَيبُ في الرَأسِ رَسولُ الرَدى

5. The span of life is short, my soul will not
Endure long after nearing its end.

٥. إِنَّ مَدى العُمرِ قَريبٌ فَما
بَقاءُ نَفسي بَعدَ قُربِ المَدى