
Will time restore to me my days,

أترى الزمان يعيد لي أيامي

1. Will time restore to me my days,
'Mid white palaces and dark wines,

١. أَتُرى الزَمانُ يُعيدُ لي أَيّامي
بَينَ القُصورِ البيضِ وَالآطامِ

2. When meeting secretly was not with haste,
Nor was parting with them marked by the waving of hands.

٢. إِذ لا الوِصالُ بِخُلسَةٍ فيهِم وَلا
فَرطُ اللِقاءِ لَدَيهِمُ بِلِمامِ

3. Hours of playfulness, whose memory renews
Only to renew in me my passion,

٣. ساعاتُ لَهوٍ ما تَجَدَّدَ ذِكرُها
إِلّا تَجَدَّدَ عِندَ ذاكَ غَرامي

4. And a love that has kept me sleepless at night,
As though it were an illness without cure.

٤. وَهَوىً مِنَ الأَهواءِ باتَ مُؤرِقي
فَكَأَنَّهُ سَقَمٌ مِنَ الأَسقامِ

5. I am thankful to fate
That healed the anguish in my heart.

٥. لِلدَهرِ عِندي مِنَّةٌ مَشكورَةٌ
شَفَتِ الَّذي في الصَدرِ مِن أَوغامِ

6. I am not pleased with the beginnings of a blessing
Unless it clothes its people in completion.

٦. وَاللَهِ ما أَسضى مَبادِئَ نِعمَةٍ
إِلّا تَغَمَّدَ أَهلَها بِتَمامِ

7. He sought the turban and the staff though where did
The foolishness of that barber reach.

٧. طَلَبَ العِمامَةَ وَالقَضيبَ وَأَينَ لَم
تَبلُغ حَماقَةُ ذَلِكَ الحَجّامِ

8. Does he imagine he deserves them,
In ignorant excess beyond these delusions?

٨. أَتُراهُ وُهِّمَ أَنَّهُ أَهلٌ لَها
سَفَهاً تَعَدّي هَذِهِ الأَوهامِ

9. He wanted to divide the loyalists after they
Were united under a king whose ambition aroused them,

٩. قَد رامَ تَفريقَ المَوالي بَعدَما
جُمِعوا عَلى مَلِكٍ أَغَرَّ هُمامِ

10. One strengthened by God who became a perfect blessing
Upon Islam, abundant and wide.

١٠. مُتَعَزِّزٍ بِاللَهِ أَصبَحَ نِعمَةً
لِلَّهِ سابِغَةً عَلى الإِسلامِ

11. Steadfast of purpose when his opinion prevailed
And justly final in unraveling and tying matters.

١١. ثَبتِ الأَناةِ إِذا اِستَبَدَّ بِرَأيِهِ
وَفّاكَ حَقّا النَقضِ وَالإِبرامِ

12. He led matters with his resolve so they came to be watered
By one successful in his command, determined.

١٢. ساقَ الأُمورَ بِعَزمِهِ فَاِستَوسَقَت
لِمُوَفَّقٍ في أَمرِهِ عَزّامِ

13. A frowning face that, when it took up arms, you were amazed
By a full moon gleaming amid the darkness of clouds.

١٣. فَخمٌ إِذا حَمَلَ السِلاحَ عَجِبتَ مِن
بَدرٍ تَأَلَّقَ في سَوادِ غَمامِ

14. Wearing the garb of war, rolling up
The forearms of a lion, with a zealous soul.

١٤. لَبّاسِ أَثوابِ الحُروبِ مُشَمِّرٍ
عَن ساعِدَي أَسَدٍ بِبيشَةِ هامِ

15. He routed the soft life until the doubts were dispelled
And the darkness of confusion lifted.

١٥. يَجفو رَقيقَ العَيشِ حَتّى تَنجَلي
شُبَهُ الشُكوكِ وَسُدفَةُ الإِظلامِ

16. When he doubted what he doubted, he stirred
With the sword of sharpness, showing no cowardice.

١٦. لَمّا اِستَرابَ بِما اِستَرابَ بِهِ اِنبَرى
بِمُهَنَّدِ الحَدَّينِ غَيرِ كَهامِ

17. He went with an eye that does not sleep on the slain
To destroy the swift fugitives on chargers dozing.

١٧. فَسَرى بِعَينٍ ما تَنامُ عَلى القَذى
لِهَلاكِ سَرعى في الحِجالِ نِيامِ

18. They played and a stubborn deceiver goaded them
To make war easy upon the submissive.

١٨. لَعِبوا وَلَجَّ بِهِم لَجوجٌ ماحِكٌ
في الحَربِ يُرخِصُها عَلى المُستامِ

19. You awakened him while you slept through a raging assault
That crushed the shoulders of one emaciated and starved.

١٩. أَيقَظتُموهُ وَنِمتُمُ عَن صَولَةٍ
طَحَنَت مَناكِبَ يَذبُلٍ وَشَمامِ

20. What seduced you from him when you had already experienced
His power in bygone years?

٢٠. ما غَرَّكُم مِنهُ وَقَد جَرَّبتُمُ
سَطَواتِهِ في سالِفِ الأَعوامِ

21. He abandoned gentleness when he intended you
With a resolute separation and a glancing blow.

٢١. تَرَكَ الهَوادَةَ حينَ كَرَّ يُريدُكُم
بِعَزيمَةٍ فَصلٍ وَطَرفٍ سامِ

22. And he attacked in the morning while the spear-tips harbored
Death from him and the lion's refuge in the thickets.

٢٢. وَغَدا وَآجامُ الرِماحِ مَظِنَّةٌ
مِنهُ وَمَغنى اللَيثِ في الآجامِ

23. His loyalists marshaled ranks for him
In bands that strike below him and stretch wide.

٢٣. حَشَدَت مَواليهِ لَهُ فَتَرادَفَت
عُصَباً تُسايِفُ دونَهُ وَتُرامي

24. Had they not been the first to advance, they would have learned
Advancement in the hour of daring from him.

٢٤. لَو لَم يَكونوا مُقدِمينَ تَعَلَّموا
مِنهُ التَقَدُّمَ صاعَةَ الإِقدامِ

25. Assailing the dustcloud with them while his determination
Was to mix banners with banners.

٢٥. مُتَقَحِّمٌ بِهِمِ الغُمارَ وَعَزمُهُ
أَن يَخلِطَ الأَعلامَ بِالأَعلامِ

26. They ask him for patience therein though they had seen
Surging seas raging with it.

٢٦. يَسلونَهُ فيها الأَناةَ وَقَد رَأَوا
لُجَجاً يَموجُ بِهِنَّ بَحرٌ طامِ

27. Concerned for the best of humankind, all of them,
A soul and the finest of lords and imams.

٢٧. شَفَقاً عَلى خَيرِ البَرِيَّةِ كُلِّها
نَفساً وَأَفضَلِ سَيِّدٍ وَإِمامِ

28. When you brandished the sword, drawing near,
The slaves were restless, each set on his goal.

٢٨. لَمّا شَهَرتَ السَيفَ مُزدَلِفاً بِهِ
قَلِقَ العُبَيدُ وَرامَ كُلَّ مَرامِ

29. You approached from nearby and his house was not
A home when you stormed against it.

٢٩. وَزَحَفتَ مِن قُربٍ فَلَم تَكُ دارُهُ
لَمّا زَهَفتَ إِلَيهِ دارَ مُقامِ

30. He gathered resolve and fleeing in remarkable
Haste that humiliated him among the tribes.

٣٠. جَمَعَ العَزيمَةَ وَالإِباقَ بِفَرَّةٍ
مَذكورَةٍ أَخزَتهُ في الأَقوامِ

31. Seeking safety while no safety is for a deserter.
He flung away the staff and made all things permitted.

٣١. يَرجو الأَمانَ وَلا أَمانَ لِغادِرٍ
رَشَقَ العَصا وَأَحَلَّ كُلَّ حَآمِ

32. So today the caliphate regained its glory
And the face of kingship shone after darkness.

٣٢. فَاليَومَ وجَدَتِ الخِلافَةِ عِزِّها
وَأَضاءَ وَجهُ المُلكِ بَعدَ ظَلامِ

33. The transgressors, and those who supported and acclaimed them
Became like a dream among dreams.

٣٣. أَضحى بُغاءُ وَأَقرَبوهُ وَهِزبُهُ
وَكَأَنَّهُم حُلُمٌ مِنَ الأَحلامِ

34. They fell and no eyes wept for them
With their tears, and they passed without farewell.

٣٤. طاحوا فَما بَكَتِ العُيونُ عَلَيهِمِ
بِدُموعِها وَمَضَوا بِغَيرِ سَلامِ

35. So surrender the Commander of the Faithful, enjoying
The succession of blessings and boons!

٣٥. فَاِسلَم أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ مُمَتَّعاً
بِتَتابُعِ الآلاءِ وَالإِنعامِ