
Was youth anything but an illusion that passed

أَكان الصبا إِلا خيالا مسلما

1. Was youth anything but an illusion that passed
It came and went like a glance of the eye then was gone

١. أَكانَ الصِبا إِلّا خَيالاً مُسَلِّما
أَقامَ كَرَجعِ الطَرفِ ثُمَّ تَصَرَّما

2. I see the shortest days were the best days of youth
And the longest were those filled with sorrow and pain

٢. أَرى أَقصَرَ الأَيّامِ أَحمَدَ في الصِبا
وَأَطوَلَها ماكانَ فيهِ مُذَمَّما

3. In the blindness of passion I wandered astray
Seeking in vain for a guide to lead me aright

٣. تَلَوِّمتُ في غَيِّ التَصابي فَلَم أُرِد
بَديلاً بِهِ لَو أَنَّ غَيّاً تَلَوَّما

4. And the day we met only to part I witnessed
With eyes that wept blood when I tried to restrain them

٤. وَيَومِ تَلاقٍ في فِراقٍ شَهِدتُهُ
بِعَينٍ إِذا نَهنَهتُها دَمَعَت دَما

5. We caught up with the independent caravan at dawn
As it journeyed on from the spring bent on its goal

٥. لَحِقنا الفَريقَ المُستَقِلَّ ضُحىً وَقَد
تَيَمَّمَ مِن قَصدِ الحِمى ما تَيَمَّما

6. And I called out greetings, though it was a gazelle
I meant by my words, perfectly graceful and fair

٦. فَقُلتُ اِنعَموا مِنّا صَباحاً وَإِنَّما
أَرَدتُ بِما قُلتُ الغَزالَ المُنَعَّما

7. No lover has lain awake all night, love-tossed,
Except by his pact, on his couch all consumed

٧. وَما باتَ مَطوِيّاً عَلى أَريَحِيَّةٍ
بِعَقبِ النَوى إِلّا امرُؤٌ باتَ مُغرَما

8. My own heart led me, a tempted seduced
Until faded the bloom of my youth after time

٨. غَنيتُ جَنيباً لِلغَواني يَقُدنَني
إِلى أَن مَضى شَرخُ الشَبابِ وَبَعدَما

9. Old age came, and still I refused to obey
These signs, though their warnings kept growing more plain

٩. وَقِدماً عَصيتُ العاذِلاتِ وَلَم أُطِع
طَوالِعَ هَذا الشَيبِ إِذ جِئنَ لُوَّما

10. I say to the rain-clouds, as they travel apace:
Rain less or rain more, you will ne'er match my pain

١٠. أَقولُ لِثَجّاجِ الغَمامِ وَقَد سَرى
بِمُحتَفِلِ الشُؤبوبِ صابَ فَعَمَّما

11. Death it is, oh what pitiless, merciless death
To encounter with terror, unknowing, insane

١١. أَقِلَّ وَأَكثِر لَستَ تَبلُغُ غايَةً
تَبينُ بِها حَتّى تُضارِعَ هَيثَما

12. A knight clothed in glory the dark nights for whom
The horizons shone bright which had shadowed lain

١٢. هُوَ المَوتُ وَيلٌ مِنهُ لاتَلقَ حَدَّهُ
فَمَوتُكَ أَن تَلقاهُ في النَقعِ مُعلِما

13. In wars he discovered his purpose made clear
No weakling can match him in valor and worth

١٣. فَتىً لَبِسَت مِنهُ اللَيالي مَحاسِناً
أَضاءَ لَها الأُفقُ الَّذي كانَ مُظلِما

14. East and west sing his praise, Yarid and Urub
Pray that safe through all perils his life may remain

١٤. مُعاني حُروبٍ قَوَّمَت عَزمَ رَأيِهِ
وَلَن يَصدُقَ الخَطِّيُ حَتّى يُقَوَّما

15. Noble in spirit, to greatness inclined
Yet no man who seeks fame will true greatness attain

١٥. غَدا وَغَدَت تَدعو نِزارٌ وَيَعرُبٌ
لَهُ أَن يَعيشَ الدَهرَ فيهِم وَيَسلَما

16. Open-handed, free, giving bounty to all
Yet each tribe of them finds him partial again

١٦. تَواضَعَ مِن مَجدٍ لَهُم وَتَكَرُّمٍ
وَكُلُّ عَظيمٍ لا يُحِبُّ التَعَظُّما

17. His gifts rain on them till they'd swear that his hands
Were the ocean, with riches to pour out the same

١٧. لِكُلِّ قَبيلٍ شُعبَةٌ مِن نَوالِهِ
وَيَختَصُّهُ مِنهُم قَبيلٌ إِذا انتَمى

18. O Qasim! Your pearls filled the cups of the poor
And the wealthy with treasures, all people the same

١٨. تَقَصّاهُمُ بِالجودِ حَتّى لَأَقسَموا
بِأَنَّ نَداهُ كانَ وَالبَحرَ تَوءَما

19. When men cringe before you, paying court to your name
Still your greatness itself lags behind your acclaim

١٩. أَبا القاسِمِ استَغزَرتَ دَرَّ خَلائِقٍ
مَلَأنَ فِجاجَ الأَرضِ بُؤسى وَأَنعُما

20. Greetings to you! Though all greetings are trite
To your face — no words needed — bowing says the same

٢٠. إِذا مَعشَرٌ جارَوكَ في إِثرِ سُؤدُدٍ
تَأَخَّرَ مِن مَسعاتِهِم ما تَقَدَّما

21. See the Euphrates — a mountainous tide
Like a torrent in flood bursting seaward amain!

٢١. سَلامٌ وَإِن كانَ السَلامُ تَحِيَّةً
فَوَجهُكَ دونَ الرَدِّ يَكفي المُسَلِّما

22. Not its habit at all! It was shamed into pride
By the noble example set by this river of fame

٢٢. أَلَستَ تَرى مَدَّ الفُراتِ كَأَنَّهُ
جِبالُ شَرَورى جِئنَ في البَحرِ عُوَّما

23. No, your smile was the light that shone bright from the land
And was dawn to the dark overcloud Eastern plain

٢٣. وَلَم يَكُ مِن عاداتِهِ غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
رَأى شيمَةً مِن جارِهِ فَتَعَلَّما

24. With bright laughter the springtime comes dancing in joy
Till you'd swear that with blooms it found voice to exclaim

٢٤. وَما نَوَّرَ الرَوضُ الشَآمِيُّ بَل فَتىً
تَبَسَّمَ مِن شَرقِيِّهِ فَتَبَسَّما

25. The sun rising while sleepy-eyed night lingers on
Wakes the buds into color, erst tightly closed, lame

٢٥. أَتاكَ الرَبيعُ الطَلقُ يَختالُ ضاحِكاً
مِنَ الحُسنِ حَتّى كادَ أَن يَتَكَلَّما

26. From the trees spring has taken their mantles of grief
As he spreads out their new leaves all quivering aflame

٢٦. وَقَد نَبَّهَ النَوروزُ في غَلَسِ الدُجى
أَوائِلَ وَردٍ كُنَّ بِالأَمسِ نُوَّما

27. He allows them to show to all rapturous eyes
Their delight, while they sorrowed when he was forbid

٢٧. يُفَتِّقُها بَردُ النَدى فَكَأَنَّهُ
يَبُثُّ حَديثاً كانَ أَمسِ مُكَتَّما

28. The breeze whispers, and seems to be bringing the sweet
Murmurings of voices erst stifled and hid

٢٨. وَمِن شَجَرٍ رَدَّ الرَبيعُ لِباسُهُ
عَلَيهِ كَما نَشَّرتَ وَشياً مُنَمنَما

29. What prevents the soft airs that you loose from their cage?
What keeps silent the strings which your fingers once played?

٢٩. أَحَلَّ فَأَبدى لِلعُيونِ بَشاشَةً
وَكانَ قَذىً لِلعَينِ إِذ كانَ مُحرَما

30. Ever the sun for the penitent shadows you meet
As they wander distraught, other beacons to aid

٣٠. وَرَقَّ نَسيمُ الريحِ حَتّى حَسِبتَهُ
يَجيءُ بِأَنفاسِ الأَحِبَّةِ نُعَّما

31. Too noble you were to let wine rule your feast
Though it strove to control you and glory your name

٣١. فَما يَحبِسُ الراحَ الَّتي أَنتَ خِلُّها
وَما يَمنَعُ الأَوتارَ أَن تَتَرَنَّما

32. You remain the true sun for hearts needing your light
As they wander in darkness more stars to reclaim

٣٢. وَما زِلتَ شَمساً لِلنَدامى إِذا انتَشوا
وَراحوا بُدوراً يَستَحِثّونَ أَنجُما

٣٣. تَكَرَّمتَ مِن قَبلِ الكُؤوسِ عَلَيهِمُ
فَما اسطَعنَ أَن يُحدِثنَ فيكَ تَكَرُّما