
His ears were trained in refutation

مرنت مسامعه على التفنيد

1. His ears were trained in refutation
So blame was disobeyed by eyes and cheeks

١. مَرَنَت مَسامِعُهُ عَلى التَفنيدِ
فَعَصى المَلامُ لِأَعيُنٍ وَخُدودِ

2. He intended ingratitude with endurance, so it supplied him
The negligence of the lines of his tears as witnesses

٢. رامَ الجُحودَ تَجَلُّداً فَأَمَدَّهُ
تَهمالُ أَسطُرِ دَمعِهِ بِشُهودِ

3. It was not the day of separation, but there was no one
Who called it, yet every bowing one was awed

٣. لا كانَ يَومُ البَينِ بَل لا كانَ مَن
نادى بِهِ فَأَهابَ كُلَّ هُجودِ

4. If not for the separation, my eyelids would not have doubted
The era of estrangement in your accustomed time

٤. لَولا الفِراقُ لَما اِستَرابَت مُقلَتي
عَهدَ الكَرى لِزَمانِكِ المَعهودِ

5. I see days where ignorance is bought with prohibition
And the ally of righteousness is not righteous

٥. أَيّامَ أَبتاعُ الجَهالَةَ بِالنُهى
وَأَرى حَليفَ الرُشدِ غَيرَ رَشيدِ

6. Last night I was felled in an assembly
Whose joys were moments at the bending of the neck

٦. أُمسي صَريعَ مُدامَةٍ في مَجلِسٍ
ريحانُهُ لَحَظاتُ موقِ الغيدِ

7. It boasts of every lad whose pillow
Were the arms of every pliant and pliant one

٧. يُزهي بِكُلِّ فَتىً يَكونُ وِسادُهُ
أَعضادَ كُلِّ خَريدَةٍ وَخَريدِ

8. And for many a torn place whose terror is not confronted
I tore through the darkness of the black nights

٨. وَلَرُبَّ خَرقٍ لا يُمارَسُ هَولُهُ
خَرَّقتُ فيهِ دُجى اللَيالي السودِ

9. With a despised vehicle for traveling
Its legs were trained for kneeling

٩. بِمُعَوَّدٍ لِلسَيرِ مُحتَقَرٍ لَهُ
مَرِنَت قَوائِمُهُ عَلى التَخويدِ

10. Breaking through the awe of darkness with a poet
Like an armored sword against the awe of calamity

١٠. مُتَقَحِّمٍ هَولَ الظَلامِ بِشاعِرٍ
كَالسَيفِ مُدَّرِعٍ لِهَولِ البيدِ

11. Moving on to novelties, no opinion returned to him
With the banner of an impotent, spurned one

١١. ماضٍ عَلى الحَدَثانِ لَم يَرجِع لَهُ
رَأيٌ بِرايَةِ عاجِزٍ مَجدودِ

12. How many like him were laden, moving
With she-camels carrying delegations

١٢. كَم حُمِّلَت أَمثالَهُ مُتَوَجِّهاً
مَن يَعمَلاتٍ حامِلاتِ وُفودِ

13. Until they descended after a great distance
At the offspring of Aaron's son, Sa'eed

١٣. حَتّى أَناخَت بَعدَ بُعدِ مَسافَةٍ
بِذُرى اِبنِ هارونَ الرَضِيِّ سَعيدِ

14. Halab has come to extract its bounty through him
After barrenness with its blocked mouth

١٤. أَمسَت بِهِ حَلَبٌ تَحَلَّبُ بِالغِنى
بَعدَ الجُدوبِ بِثَغرِها المَسدودِ

15. The Euphrates attained peacefully to Syria
With its praised, dangling bucket

١٥. حازَ الفُراتُ إِلى الشَآمِ بِراحَةٍ
هَطّالَةٍ بِنَوالِهِ المَحمودِ

16. His generosity invites to his kindness
The hope of the hopeless and the wish of the weary

١٦. تَدعو مَكارِمُهُ إِلى مَعروفِهِ
أَمَلَ العَديمِ وَرَغبَةَ المَجهودِ

17. The facile one of rhetoric and eloquence, the tough
Of argument and understanding, the rigid of will

١٧. سَهلُ البَلاغَةِ وَالفَصاحَةِ قُلَّب
غَضُّ الحِجى وَالفَهمِ صُلبُ العودِ

18. Of a tribe who preceded kings in their pride
And advanced in generosity every leader

١٨. مِن مَعشَرٍ سَبَقوا المُلوكَ بِفَخرِهِم
وَتَقَدَّموا في الجودِ كُلَّ عَميدِ

19. With their demise, magnanimity planted its banner
And might, the sword of victory and support

١٩. بِفَنائِهِم رَكَزَ السَماحُ لِواءَهُ
وَالبَأسُ سَيفَ النَصرِ وَالتَأييدِ

20. Indeed, Ibn Harun the most courageous, steadfast
Rises like the moon among the stars of good fortune

٢٠. إِنَّ اِبنَ هارونَ الأَغَرَّ سَمَيدَعٌ
كَالبَدرِ يَطلُعُ في نُجومِ سُعودِ

21. His might and swordsmanship covered the wild
Between a true promise and a threat

٢١. عَمَّ البَرِيَّةَ بَأسُهُ وَنَوالَهُ
مِن بَينِ وَعدٍ صادِقٍ وَوَعيدِ

22. Abu Othman was saved from the blade of misery
In a blessing that every envious one needs

٢٢. إِسلَم أَبا عُثمانَ مِن حَتفِ الرَدى
في نِعمَةٍ تَحتاجُ كُلَّ حَسودِ