
Our youthful days of the sand dunes are gone

أمردود لنا زمن الكثيب

1. Our youthful days of the sand dunes are gone
And the innocence of that gentle rain.

١. أَمَردودٌ لَنا زَمَنُ الكَثيبِ
وَغُرَّةُ ذَلِكَ الرَشَإِ الرَبيبِ

2. Days of youth are followed
By the sins of old age's stains.

٢. وَأَيّامُ الشَبابِ مُعَقَّباتٌ
عَلى إِبدارِ آثامِ المَشيبِ

3. When she smiles, her cheeks shine
With beauty that takes the breath away.

٣. إِذا اِبتَسَمَت تَأَلَّقَ عارِضاها
عَلى ضَرَبٍ يُصَفَّقُ في ضَريبِ

4. When will the sunset return
The radiance of its heyday?

٤. مَتى يوشِك غُروبُ الشَمسِ يُردَد
سَناها مِن سَنا تِلكَ الغُروبِ

5. My critics insist on finding fault.
Yet for your love, I have done no wrong.

٥. أَبى الواشونَ إِلّا أَن يَعُدّوا
وَما أَذنَبتُ حُبَّكِ مِن ذُنوبي

6. Those who know I'm innocent, while others
Suspect me, the public loud, the private sly.

٦. فَمَن عَرَفوا بَراءَتَهُ فَإِنّي
ظَنينُ الجَهرِ مُتَّهَمُ المَغيبِ

7. In their love they spied a path
Leading to me, while the path leads to them.

٧. مُريبٌ في هَواكِ رَأَوا سَبيلاً
عَلَيهِ وَالسَبيلُ عَلى المُريبِ

8. No aloofness exceeds a prayer
For distance from home or absence of a loved one.

٨. فَلا يَزِدِ العَذولُ عَلى دُعاءٍ
بِنَأيِ الدارِ أَو هَجرِ الحَبيبِ

9. Tears' droplets pour forth copiously
From the droplets of tender hearts.

٩. صُباباتُ الدُموعِ تُزادُ سَكباً
بِبَرحٍ مِن صُباباتِ القُلوبِ

10. And the blows of fate in every eon
Add griefs to existing griefs.

١٠. وَصَرفٍ بَينَ صَرفَي كُلِّ دَهرٍ
زِياداتُ الخُطوبِ عَلى الخُطوبِ

11. To Ibn Abi Muhammad we incline,
As the Pleiades incline to their setting.

١١. إِلى اِبنِ أَبي مُحَمَّدٍ اِستَقَلَّت
بِنا قَصدَ السُرى مَيلُ السُروبِ

12. From the corners of the earth they come,
From distant and desolate places.

١٢. تَرامى مِن جَنوبِ الأَرضِ مَرمىً
بَعيداً وَهيَ مُجفَرَةُ الجُنوبِ

13. He assigns them mirage after mirage
And makes them gulp sorrow after sorrow.

١٣. يُكَلِّفُهُنَّ سَهباً بَعدَ سَهبٍ
وَيَجشِمُهُنَّ لوباً بَعدَ لوبِ

14. To a king whose hands' freshness you imagine
And whose heart pours like a sea.

١٤. إِلى مَلِكٍ تَظُنُّ نَدى يَدَيهِ
وَفَيضَ البَحرِ ساحاً مِن قَليبِ

15. I was and you were, our states so various,
In rhymed prose or rhyming verse.

١٥. وَكانَ وَكُنتُ وَالحالانِ شَتّى
بِمُثنٍ بِالإِثابَةِ أَو مُثيبِ

16. A stranger in nature and a stranger in land,
What solace can a stranger find in a stranger?

١٦. غَريبَ سَجِيَّةٍ وَغَريبَ أَرضٍ
فَما أَكدى الغَريبُ عَلى الغَريبِ

17. A distant tribe imposes burdens on us
While a near people deny us rights.

١٧. يُنَوِّلُنا حُمولَةُ مِن بَعيدٍ
وَيَحرِمُنا رِجالٌ مِن قَريبِ

18. The clouds of his generosity water the spurned,
And their winds blow sincerely.

١٨. سَحابُ الجودِ مُنهَلُّ العَزالى
وَريحٌ مِنهُ صادِقَةُ الهُبوبِ

19. We were rained on by the north wind's expulsion,
When once the south wind watered us.

١٩. مُطِرنا بِالشَمالِ الشُردِ مِنها
وَكُنّا قَبلُ نُمطَرُ بِالجَنوبِ

20. From his glory and his hands' freshness
We have gifts no swords can forbid.

٢٠. لَنا مِن جاهِهِ وَنَدى يَدَيهِ
عَطاءٌ غَيرُ مَحظورِ السُيوبِ

21. We have tasted his two states and do not care
Whether he strikes with Zulfiqar or is struck.

٢١. بَلَونا حالَتَيهِ فَما نُبالي
ضَرَبتَ بِذي الفَقارِ أَوِ الرَسوبِ

22. His lineage ascends to a house of glory,
Of rare peers and unknown ancestry.

٢٢. لَهُ حَسَبٌ سَما في بَيتِ مَجدٍ
قَليلِ المِثلِ مَفقودِ الضَريبِ

23. Through his fiery origin he draws lineage
To pure maternal lines of highborn ladies.

٢٣. لَهُ في مارِجِ النارِ اِنتِسابٌ
بِأُمّاتٍ نَقِيّاتِ الجُيوبِ

24. The elite of mankind and jinn have given
Allegiance to his most noble ancestry.

٢٤. سَراةُ الإِنسِ وَالجِنّانِ أَدَّت
إِلى جوذَرزَ نَجدَتَها وَبيبِ

25. For him the non-Arabs speak well when named,
And the tribes recognize him for his generosity.

٢٥. تَطولُ لَها الأَعاجِمُ حينَ تُثنى
وَتَعرِفُها القَبائِلُ لِلشُعوبِ

26. Never far from glory, your share one day
Will be higher than mine.

٢٦. وَما خِلتُ الفَخارُ يَكونُ يَوماً
نَصيبُكَ فيهِ أَعلى مِن نَصيبي

27. When I compose poetry in meter and rhyme
I turn from the barren to the fertile theme.

٢٧. إِذا سَوَّمتُ شُذّانَ القَوافي
عَدَلتُ بِها عَنِ المَرعى الجَديبِ