
More bitter than my ailment is that my confidant has abandoned me,

وأمر من عللي تخلى ناظري

1. More bitter than my ailment is that my confidant has abandoned me,
Turning his eyes away from the beauty of the Caliph's face.

١. وَأَمَرُّ مِن عِلَلي تَخَلّى ناظِري
عَن حُسنِ وَجهِ خَليفَةِ الرَحمَنِ

2. We departed from Rajab and from its July,
And are living in August and in Sha'ban.

٢. البَرحُ مِن رَجَبٍ وَمِن تَمّوزِهِ
وَالعَيشُ في آبٍ وَفي شَعبانِ

3. Where the north winds have been unleashed,
And autumn approaches with its gentle rain,

٣. في حَيثُ أَطلَقَتِ الشِمالُ عِقالَها
وَدَنا الخَريفُ بِقَطرِهِ المُتَداني

4. What is left for companionship after its long connection?
It has turned away, spurning with anger.

٤. ما لِلمُدامَةِ بَعدَ طولِ وِصالِها
صَدَّت صُدودَ مُجانِبٍ غَضبانِ

5. It sought refuge in the heat of summer, thus became inaccessible,
And took protection in the nearness of Ramadan.

٥. لاذَت بِحَرِّ القَيظِ فَامتَنَعَت بِهِ
وَتَعَوَّذَت بِالقُربِ مِن رَمَضانِ

6. So if I survive, I will surely let my friends drink
From every young, lively mare.

٦. فَلَئِن سَلِمتُ لِأَروِيَنَّ صَحابَتي
مِن كُلِّ بِكرٍ في الدِنانِ حِصانِ

7. Until I see myself each dark night
Between determination and merriment.

٧. حَتّى أَراني كُلَّ مُظلِمِ لَيلَةٍ
بَينَ الصَحيحِ العَزمِ وَالنَشوانِ

8. It is for the month to abandon all vanities in it,
Though it was too noble for remorse.

٨. لِلشَهرِ أَن تَدَعَ المَلاهي كُلَّها
فيهِ وَإِن كَرُمَت عَلى النَدمانِ

9. God is a neighbor for the glory-seeker; He is
A neighbor for us, from the evil of all eras.

٩. اللَهُ لِلمُعتَزِّ جارٌ إِنَّهُ
جارٌ لَنا مِن رَيبِ كُلِّ زَمانِ

10. The Chosen One is the successor of the faithful,
And the Content One for the preservation of faith.

١٠. المُصطَفى لِلمُؤمِنينِ خَليفَةً
وَالمُرتَضى لِحِياطَةِ الإيمانِ

11. A king whose pardon we consider natural,
And pardon is the best trait of man.

١١. مَلِكٌ نَعُدُّ العَفوَ مِنهُ خَليقَةً
وَالعَفوُ خَيرُ خَلائِقَ الإِنسانِ

12. He gave the public their request through his justice,
Striving in secret and in public.

١٢. أَعطى الرَعِيَّةَ سُؤلَها مِن عَدلِهِ
في السِرِّ مُجتَهِداً وَفي الإِعلانِ

13. And granted them from his sword and generosity
Bounties without stinginess or favor.

١٣. وَأَنالَها مِن سَيبِهِ وَنَوالِهِ
أَفضالَ لامُكدٍ وَلا مَنّانِ

14. Their hearts were united to him in a pledge
That resembled the Pledge of Contentment.

١٤. جُمِعَت قُلوبُهُمُ إِلَيهِ بِبَيعَةٍ
كانَت شَبيهَةَ بَيعَةِ الرِضوانِ

15. I praise the favors he deserves,
And attaining his generosity that enriched me.

١٥. أُثني بِأَنعُمِهِ الَّتي هُوَ أَهلُها
وَدِراكِ جَدواهُ الَّذي أَولاني

16. Who will thank the Caliph on my behalf for what
Is more deserving of grace and kindness?

١٦. مَن شاكِرٌ عَنّي الخَليفَةَ في الَّذي
أَولى مِنَ الإِفضالِ وَالإِحسانِ

17. For I have been graced with his grace,
And I saw the path of charity when he showed me.

١٧. حَتّى لَقَد أَفضَلتُ مِن أَفضالِهِ
وَرَأَيتُ نَهجَ الجودِ حينَ أَراني

18. His hands filled my hands, and his charity
Scattered my stinginess, impoverishing me as it enriched me.

١٨. مَلَأَت يَداهُ يَدي وَشَرَّدَ جودُهُ
بُخلي فَأَفقَرَني كَما أَغناني

19. And I became confident of the good successor, hastening
What he gave me.

١٩. وَوَثَقتُ بِالخَلَفِ الجَميلِ مُعَجَّلاً
مِنهُ فَأَعطَيتُ الَّذي أَعطاني