1. I saw virtue in obligation and loan
Made difficult by spendthrift fathers
١. رَأَيتُ الفَضلَ مِن فَرضٍ وَقَرضٍ
تَعَذَّرَ عِندَ آباءِ الفُضولِ
2. No lion guardian of a weak hand hoped for
His voluntary extras nor a graceful patron
٢. وَما أَسَدٌ وَلِيُّ يَدٍ فَتُرجى
نَوافِلُهُ وَلا مَولى جَميلِ
3. Lost is the value from lack of effort
And dead is repute from excess of indolence
٣. وَضيعُ القَدرِ مِن عَدَمِ المَساعي
وَمَيتُ الذِكرِ مِن سَرَفِ الخُمولِ
4. Accursed is the curtain, it did not purify
The venial sins from the mortal
٤. وَمَلعونُ السِتارَةِ لَم يُخَلِّص
خَفيفُ المُخطِياتِ مِنَ الثَقيلِ
5. We broke our vow when we tested
A despicable nature, mean and stingy
٥. ذَمَمنا عَهدَهُ لَمّا بَلَونا
لَئيمَ سَجِيَّةٍ لِحزٍ بَخيلِ
6. And much did not ask for, and uncomplicated did not
Seek from you the little from the little
٦. وَلَم يُسَلِ الكَثيرَ وَغَيرُ سَهلٍ
تَطَلُّبُكَ القَليلَ مِنَ القَليلِ
7. Abu al-Abbas, moral for effort
By the right of persistence and long trading
٧. أَبو العَبّاسِ أَخلَقُ لِلمَساعي
بِحَقِّ الطولِ وَالباعِ الطَويلِ
8. He alone monopolized the generous deeds
They see generosity from weakness of minds
٨. تَفَرَّدَ بِالمَكارِمِ دونَ قَومٍ
يَرونَ الجودَ مِن ضَعفِ العُقولِ
9. And one like Abu Umarah in his bounty
And brilliant is his superior merit a clearer proof
٩. وَمَن كَأَبي عُمارَةَ في نَداهُ
وَبارِعُ فَضلِهِ أَزكى دَليلِ
10. And doubts besiege you unless
The branches inform you about the roots
١٠. وَتَستَولي الشُكوكُ عَلَيكَ ما لَم
تُخَبِّركَ الفُروعُ عَنِ الأُصولِ