1. Will we not cease to be plagued
By the impurity of the soul, the impurity of the parents,
١. أَرانا لانَزالُ نُسامُ خَسفاً
بِرِجسِ النَفسِ رِجسَ الوالِدَينِ
2. When shall we be satisfied, while the deceiver of Christians
Judges what he sees with the blink of an eye?
٢. مَتى نَرضى وَدَجّالُ النَصارى
يُقَوِمُ ما يَراهُ بِفَردِ عَينِ
3. And the wages of a plot are a peacock of beauty
In which judgment is distorted by the crow of malice.
٣. وَأَجوَرُ خُطَّةٍ طاوُوسُ حُسنٍ
يُوَلّى الحُكمَ فيهِ غُرابُ بَينِ