
O Abū Nahshal, your convincing opinion,

أبا نهشل رأيك المقنع

1. O Abū Nahshal, your convincing opinion,
When the most heinous event strikes,

١. أَبا نَهشَلٍ رَأيُكَ المُقنِعُ
إِذا طَرَقَ الحادِثُ الأَشنَعُ

2. What have you coveted from al-Khattali,
And do you take pleasure in revolution?

٢. فَماذا اِشتَهَيتَ مِنَ الخُتَّلِيِّ
وَهَل لَكَ في الثَورِ مُستَمتَعُ

3. You reproach him while he is in a state,
That harms the penitent and does not benefit.

٣. تُنادِمُهُ وَهوَ في حالَةٍ
تَضُرُّ النَدامى وَلا تَنفَعُ

4. Do you not see a finger in his desire,
Wandering, and a finger in his cheek?

٤. أَلَستَ تَرى في اِستِهِ إِصبَعاً
تَجولُ وَفي شِدقِهِ إِصبَعُ

5. And he passes cups among you,
When the overflowing cup intoxicates him.

٥. وَيَنقُلُ بَينَكُمُ جَعسَةً
إِذا كَظَّهُ القَدَحُ المُترَعُ

6. If he raids the weapons,
Of rabbits burrowing, pigs will follow.

٦. إِذا ما أَغارَ عَلى سَلحَةٍ
رَبوضٍ فَخِنزيرَةٌ مُتبِعُ

7. And the son of our two dogs was not there,
To do some of what he does.

٧. وَلَم يَكُ فيها اِبنُ كَلبِيِّنا
ليَصنَعَ بَعضَ الَّذي يَصنَعُ

8. Woe to the poetry of Abul Baraq if,
The most violent gray hair revolves around it.

٨. فَوَيلٌ لِشِعرِ أَبي البَرقِ إِن
أَطافَ بِهِ الأَشيَبُ الأَنزَعُ

9. It will eat it and relieve the servants
Of its stench, then it will not be sated.

٩. سَيَأكُلُهُ فَيُريحُ العِبا
دَ مِن نَتنِهِ ثُمَّ لايَشبَعُ