1. Is dawn naught but the full moon in the brightened horizon
Appearing, to light up the night with its wings over wings?
١. هَلِ الفَتحُ إِلّا البَدرُ في الأُفُقِ المُضحى
تَجَلّى فَأَجلى اللَيلَ جِنحاً عَلى جِنحِ
2. Or the partridge sheltering its nest?
Or the copious rain from the pouring clouds?
٢. أَوِ الضَيغَمُ الضِرغامُ يَحمي عَرينَهُ
أَوِ الوابِلُ الداني مِنَ الديمَةِ السَحِّ
3. It passed as the spear passes, and there shone forth
An expanse vaster than the expanse of the lance,
٣. مَضى مِثلَ ما يَمضي السِنانُ وَأَشرَقَت
بِهِ بَسطَةٌ زادَت عَلى بَسطَةِ الرُمحِ
4. And there shone forth the light at dawn, which is the light in the forenoon
And a nature as pure as the dew in the morn,
٤. وَأَشرَقَ عَن بِشرٍ هُوَ النورُ في الضُحى
وَصافى بِأَخلاقٍ هِيَ الطَلُّ في الصُبحِ
5. A youth whom jealous men roll themselves up
Against his noble qualities and his truer glory like a wrapped-up hedgehog
٥. فَتىً يَنطَوي الحُسّادُ مِن مَكرُماتِهِ
وَمِن مَجدِهِ الأَوفى عَلى كَمَدٍ بَرحِ
6. He is serious, so affairs are tractable to his seriousness
And if he walks about freely in jest and play
٦. يَجِدُّ فَتَنقادُ الأُمورُ لِجِدِّهِ
وَإِن راحَ طَلقاً في الفُكاهَةِ وَالمَزحِ
7. No side of an object of desire is locked against us
Unless we open it with the Opening
٧. وَما أُقفِلَت عَنّا جَوانِبُ مَطلَبٍ
نُحاوِلُهُ إِلّا افتَتَحناهُ بِالفَتحِ
8. Your ransom is folk whose natures preceded
To the sublime peak and noble temper
٨. فِداؤُكَ أَقوامٌ سَبَقتَ سَراتَهُم
إِلى القِمَّةِ العَلياءِ وَالخُلُقِ السَمحِ
9. You have promised and soon your promise will succeed
For hastening the fulfillment of promises is a glory of glory
٩. وَعَدتَ فَأَوشِك نُجحَ وَعدِكَ إِنَّهُ
مِنَ المَجدِ إِعجالُ المَواعيدِ بِالنُجحِ
10. And you see the advice of the Imam as a duty
And his informing about me as a kind of good advice
١٠. وَأَنتَ تَرى نُصحَ الإِمامِ فَريضَةً
وَإِخبارُهُ عَنّي سَبيلٌ مِنَ النُصحِ
11. He has noble qualities beyond description
And the utmost praise that can be borrowed to praise them is my praise
١١. لَهُ مَكرُماتٌ يَقصُرُ الوَصفُ دونَها
وَأَبلَغُ مَدحٍ يُستَعارُ لَها مَدحي