
To you all goodness in proportion to my spontaneity and effort

لك الخير ما مقدار عفوي وما جهدي

1. To you all goodness in proportion to my spontaneity and effort
And the family of Humaid is for me until their last one

١. لَكَ الخَيرُ ما مِقدارُ عَفوي وَما جُهدي
وَآلُ حُمَيدٍ عِندَ آخِرَهُم عِندي

2. Tayyi and Taws succeeded one another
So say in Khurasan, and if you wish, in Najd

٢. تَتابَعَتِ الطاءانِ طوسٌ وَطَيِّئٌ
فَقُل في خُراسانٍ وَإِن شِئتَ في نَجدِ

3. They came to me without a promise, and if you do not find for them
A promise, they all departed with their winds

٣. أَتوني بِلا وَعدٍ وَإِن لَم تَجِد لَهُم
بِراحِهُمُ راحوا جَميعاً عَلى وَعدِ

4. And I have not seen vinegar like wine when it turns sour
Its makers and lovers turned away from it

٤. وَلَم أَرَ خِلّاً كَالنَبيذِ إِذا جَفا
جَفاكَ لَهُ خُلّانُهُ وَذَوُ الوُدِّ

5. And from what made the youths happy that they
At the end of Sha'ban went to see the first roses

٥. وَمِمّا دَهى الفِتيانَ أَنَّهُمُ غَدَوا
بِآخِرِ شَعبانٍ عَلى أَوَّلِ الوَردِ

6. They went in the morning when water becomes unlawful and faces
Appearing from pleasures are saddened by loss

٦. غَدا يَحرُمُ الماءُ القَراحُ وَتَنتَوي
وُجوهٌ مِنَ اللَذّاتِ مُشجِيَةُ الفَقدِ

7. Help us on a day we bid farewell to our amusements
To a night in which it has a binding fate

٧. أَعِنّا عَلى يَومَ نُشَيِّعُ لَهوَنا
إِلى لَيلَةٍ فيها لَهُ أَجَلٌ مُردِ

8. So I do not count how many hands you extended to me
My hands and glory you have built for me my glory

٨. فَلَستُ أَعُدُّ كَم يَدٍ لَكَ سَمَّحَت
يَدَيَّ وَمَجدٍ مِنكَ شَيَّدَ لي مَجدي

9. And pure blessing is not in partnership with wealth
But pure blessing is in partnership with gratitude

٩. وَما النِعمَةُ البَيضاءُ في شِركَةِ الغِنى
بَلِ النِعمَةُ البَيضاءُ في شِركَةِ الحَمدِ