
Astray, what did she want when she inclined to estrangement,

ضلالا لها ماذا أرادت إلى الصد

1. Astray, what did she want when she inclined to estrangement,
While we stand at the verge of separation?

١. ضَلالاً لَها ماذا أَرادَت إِلى الصَدِّ
وَنَحنُ وُقوفٌ مِن فِراقِ عَلى حَدِّ

2. Aiming to mingle affection with rancor,
And attempting to join nearness with remoteness.

٢. مُزاوِلَةٌ أَن تَخلِطَ الوُدَّ بِالقِلى
وَمُزمِعَةٌ أَن تُلحِقَ القُربَ بِالبُعدِ

3. She saw a blemish that dimmed her whiteness
By the alternating of one who makes white and one who makes black.

٣. رَأَت لَمَّةً عَلّى بَياضاً سَوادَها
تَعاقُبِ مُبيَضٍّ عَلَيها وَمُسوَدِّ

4. So do not ask about her estrangement, for her estrangement
Is the fruit of patience, sweetened by the fruit of joy.

٤. فَلا تَسأَلا عَن هَجرِها إِنَّ هَجرَها
جَنى الصَبرِ يُسقى مُرُّهُ مِن جَنى الشُهدِ

5. And do not wonder at the stinginess of Da'ud in seeking her,
For among the noblest men Da'ud is the most stingy.

٥. وَلا تَعجَبا مِن بُخلِ دَعدٍ بِنَيلِها
فَفي النَفَرِ الأَعلَينَ أَبخَلُ مِن دَعدِ

6. I spurn both ungenerous friends and loving friends;
So neither an ungenerous one becomes generous nor an affection endures.

٦. أَضِنُّ أَخِلّاءٍ وَضِنُّ أَحِبَّةٍ
فَلا خِلَّةٍ تَصفى وَلا صِلَةٍ تَجدي

7. Will this time pass and not see my position
Or know the value of my ornaments and necklaces?

٧. أَيَذهَبُ هَذا الدَهرُ لَم يُرَ مَوضِعي
وَلَم يَدرِ ما مِقدارَ حَلّي وَلا عَقدي

8. And will it disparage one like me while it is a merchant
Who sells the precious wares of noble deeds and praise?

٨. وَيَكسُدُ مِثلي وَهوَ تاجِرُ سُؤدَدٍ
يَبيعُ ثَميناتِ المَكارِمِ وَالحَمدِ

9. The rest of a comprehensive poem whose ideas
Those before me have clung to and those after me have wearied.

٩. سَوائِرُ شِعرٍ جامِعٍ بَدَّدَ العُلا
تَعَلَّقنَ مَن قَبلي وَأَتعَبنَ مَن بَعدي

10. In it a skilled and painstaking artisan
Values its composition as much as David valued composing the Psalms.

١٠. يُقَدِّرُ فيها صانِعٌ مُتَعَمِّلٌ
لِإِحكامِها تَقديرَ داوُدَ في السَردِ

11. O my two bosom friends, if I possessed a riding camel when
Men refused me their support, then my spear would make them stumble.

١١. خَليلَيَّ لَو في المَرخِ أَقدَحُ إِذ أَبى
رِجالٌ مُؤاتاتي إِذاً لَكَبا زَندي

12. Yet no weregild has been assessed against me less than their praise,
So how can I be seen as less than their favours make me?

١٢. وَما عارَضَتني كُديَةٌ دونَ مَدحِهِم
فَكَيفَ أَراني دونَ مَعروفِهِم أُكدي

13. Shall I beat the livers of steeds to reach them
Demanding from me while their wants are with me?

١٣. أَأَضرِبُ أَكبادَ المَطايا إِلَيهِمِ
مُطالَبَةً مِنّي وَحاجاتُهُم عِندي

14. That one refused saying I am ascetic in gaining one
Whom I see as ascetic in praising me from inadequacy of perception.

١٤. أَبى ذاكَ أَنّي زاهِدٌ في نَوالِ مَن
أَراهُ لِنَقصِ الرَأيِ يَزهَدُ في حَمدي

15. Indeed, the rich man's falling short of eminence
Is as reprehensible as the poor man's falling short, though resolute and firm.

١٥. لَأَفحَشَ تَقصيرِ الغَنِيِّ عَنِ العُلا
كَما يَفحَشُ الإِقتارُ بِالحازِمِ الجَلدِ

16. The departure of a longing that moves on and a youthfulness
To Quraysh's village and the matchless lord.

١٦. رَحيلُ اِشتِياقٍ مُبرِحٍ وَصَبابَةٍ
إِلى قَريَةِ النُعمانِ وَالسَيِّدِ الفَردِ

17. To one who preceded whom people do not tie his glory
To effort, nor are guided by him to an aim.

١٧. إِلى سابِقٍ لا يَعلَقُ القَومُ شَأوَهُ
بِسَعيٍ وَلا يُهدَونَ مِنهُ إِلى قَصدِ

18. To one pure of nature ― none purely white
Has passed in time but has originated from him or flows to him.

١٨. إِلى أَبيَضِ الأَخلاقِ ما مَرَّ أَبيَضٌ
مِنَ الدَهرِ إِلّا عَن جَداً مِنهُ أَو رِفدِ

19. Worthy, if I visit him after an absence,
Though a period is long, to be true to the pact.

١٩. جَديرٌ إِذا ما زُرتُهُ عَن جَنابَةٍ
وَإِن طالَ عَهدٌ أَن يَكونَ عَلى العَهدِ

20. And if I present a poem to him in reward,
Neither the giver nor the given will recoil.

٢٠. وَإِن أَنا أَهدَيتُ القَريضَ مَجازِياً
فَلَن يوكَسَ المُهدى إِلَيهِ وَلا المُهدي

21. Vying, he and I, while we in entirety
Have an ample share of remoteness.

٢١. مُزايَدَةً مِنّي وَمِنهُ وَكُلُّنا
إِلى أَمَدٍ وافي النَصيبِ مِنَ البُعدِ

22. He has outshone those who give wishes besides him,
And through him what was clear through the fortunate star became clear.

٢٢. تَشَذَّبَ مَن يُعطي الرَغائِبَ دَونَهُ
وَبانَ بِهِ ما بانَ بِالكَوكَبِ السَعدِ

23. So whence did we come all at once with his gift
And return while the stumbling of the walker was fivefold to roses?

٢٣. فَمِن أَينَ جِئنا جَمَّةً مِن عَطائِهِ
وَرَدنا وَسَيرُ العيسِ خِمسٌ إِلى الوِردِ

24. He overlooks one elevated from his ranks
As authority was diminished in a Najdi chief with restraining power.

٢٤. يُغَضُّ عَنِ المَرفوعِ مِن دَرَجاتِهِ
كَما زِيدَ في سُلطانِ ذي تُدرَئٍ نَجدِ

25. And his uniqueness is feared though he has no authority,
As a sword is avoided while still in its scabbard.

٢٥. وَيُخشى شَذاهُ وَهوَ غَيرُ مُسَلَّطٍ
وَقَد يُتَوَقّى السَيفُ وَالسَيفُ في الغِمدِ

26. If they confront him about the loftiness of authority they confront
The sword of purity besides it, brittle of edge.

٢٦. إِذا قارَعوهُ عَن عُلا الأَمرِ قارَعوا
صَليبَ الصَفا مِن دونِها خَشِنَ الحَدِّ

27. Thawba or Mihran would require him for
The loftiness of keeping a promise, not the promiser of a promise.

٢٧. ثَوابَةُ أَو مِهرانُ يَقتَضِيانِهِ ال
سُمُوَّ اِقتِضاءَ الوَعدِ مِن مُنجِزِ الوَعدِ

28. And the double-edged sword is more effective in checking aggression
And more bold in the fray than the single-edged sword.

٢٨. وَلِلسَيفِ ذو الحَدَّينِ أَجنى عَلى العِدى
وَأَبأَسُ في الجُلّى مِنَ السَيفِ ذي الحَدِ

29. The repository of hopes that brings ease to the forgotten
And makes the indebted wake up in the morning with cash.

٢٩. مُعَوَّلُ آمالٍ يَرُحنَ نَسيئَةً
وَيُصبِحُ مُنسوها مَلِيّينَ بِالنَقدِ

30. They have repelled the time's stinginess with their generosity,
And no good until the opposite is repelled by the opposite.

٣٠. وَقَد دَفَعوا بُخلَ الزَمانِ بِجودِهِ
وَلا طِبَّ حَتّى يُدفَعَ الضِدُّ بِالضِدِّ

31. Remaining in his comforts, never moving from them,
Roving, even if their riding camel spent the night walking with them.

٣١. مُقيمينَ في نُعماهُ لا يَبرَحونَها
فَواقاً وَلَو باتَ المَطِيُّ بِهِم يَخدي

32. They miss the people's celebrating the first of his pardon,
And have reached or surpassed the final effort.

٣٢. يَفوتُ اِحتِفالَ القَومِ أَوَّلَ عَفوِهِ
وَقَد بَلَغوا أَو جاوَزوا آخِرَ الجُهدِ

33. Their worth belittled beneath his worth
As the lowlands of Tihama are beneath Najd.

٣٣. مُخَفَّضَةٌ أَقدارُهُم دونَ قَدرِهِ
كَما اِنخَفَضَت سُفلى تِهامَةَ عَن نَجدِ

34. So many glorious ones among them, when a man
Tests their meekness he finds of noble character.

٣٤. فَكَم سَبِطٍ مِنهُم إِذا اِختَبَرَ اِمرُؤٌ
عُلالَتُهُ أَلفاهُ ذا خُلُقٍ جَعدِ

35. And the finder of a realm whom an evil nature
Empowers one day over that finding.

٣٥. وَواجِدِ مُلكٍ أَعوَزَتهُ سَجِيَّةٌ
تُسَلِّطُهُ يَوماً عَلى ذَلِكَ الوَجدِ

36. So ease is not of wretched disparagement,
Nor loftiness of red-faced shackled ones.

٣٦. فَعُسرَكَ لا مَيسورَ نُكدٍ أَشائِمٍ
وَهَونَكَ لا مَرفوعَ أَحمِرَةٍ قُفدِ

37. I used to blame time once,
So I have come to you blaming time.

٣٧. لَقَد كُنتُ أَستَعدي إِلى الدَهرِ مَرَّةً
فَجِئتُكَ مِن عَتبٍ عَلى الدَهرِ أَستَعدي

38. I was not, when it inclined with one with no refuge,
Inclined to a group but you and rebuttal.

٣٨. وَما كُنتُ إِذ أَنحى عَلَيَّ بِلاجِئٍ
إِلى فِئَةٍ مِنهُ سِواكَ وَلا رِدِّ

39. They pass the summit of my lofty companionship
And know the summit is not my pillar.

٣٩. تَمُرُّ بِأَعلى جَرجَراياءَ صُحبَتي
وَقَد عَلِموا ما جَرجَراياءُ مِن عَمدي

40. Nor did any supporter guarantee me
The vicissitudes of time and what it discloses.

٤٠. وَلا قَصرَ بي عَن ضامِنٍ مُتَكَفِّلٍ
بَوائِقَ ما يَطوي الزَمانُ وَما يُبدي

41. So I witness that in choosing you over them
I am fulfilling my fortune and following correct guidance.

٤١. فَأَشهَدُ أَنّي في اِختِيارِكَ دونَهُم
مُؤَدّاً إِلى حَظّي وَمُتَّبِعٌ رُشدي

42. And I know the roads have not surprised you all
With false tales of people or delegations.

٤٢. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ السُبلَ ما فَجِأَتكُمُ
بِزَورٍ مِنَ الأَقوامِ مِثلي وَلا وَفدِ