1. I sought who I should call to dispel my darkness
So Abu Bakr was for it, and Abu Bakr
١. تَطَلَّبتُ مَن أَدعو لِرَدِّ ظُلامَتي
فَكانَ أَبو بَكرٍ لَها وَأَبو بَكرِ
2. Had they witnessed me, they would have witnessed my care
That returns my right, or conveys my excuse
٢. وَلَو شَهِداني أَشهَداني عِنايَةً
تَعودُ بِحَقّي أَو تُبَلِّغُني عُذري
3. Oh, I wonder what I see the king doing
And what else of poetry remains but that
٣. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري ما تُرى الشاهَ صانِعاً
وَماعَدا تِلكَ السائِراتِ مِنَ الشِعرِ
4. Will Abu Taghlib, ally of dew, and Abu Nasr help me
If I seek their aid
٤. وَهَل يَنصُرَنّي إِن أَهَبتُ بِنَصرِهِ
أَبو تَغلِبٍ حِلفُ النَدى وَأَبو نَصرِ
5. They who built a towering edifice
When they carried out the deeds of Abu Al-Sakr therein
٥. هُما بانِيا أُكرومَةً يُعلِيانِها
إِذا اِمتَثَلا فيها فَعالَ أَبي الصَقرِ
6. And the people knew the sanctity I formerly possessed
And the share of gratitude in my folds and in my thanks
٦. وَقَد عَلِمَ الأَقوامُ سالِفَ حُرمَتي
وَحَظَّ الشَكورِ في ثَنايَ وَفي شُكري
7. Shall I grow more despairing the more obligated I become
Through my praise of him, or the more he excelled in merit
٧. أَأَزدادُ يَأساً كِلَّما زِدتُ واجِباً
عَلَيهِ بِمَدحي أَو تَزَيَّدَ في القَدرِ
8. I seek refuge in his generosity which filled my hand
With gifts, and his blessings which awakened my memory
٨. أَعوذُ بِجَدواهُ الَّتي مَلَأَت يَدي
نَوالاً وَنُعماهُ الَّتي نَبَّهَت ذِكري