
It is more fitting and proper that my habits return

أجدر وأخلق أن ترن عوائدي

1. It is more fitting and proper that my habits return
And my sincerity be maligned and my envier rejoice

١. أَجدِر وَأَخلِق أَن تُرِنَّ عَوائِدي
وَيُساءَ خُلصاني وَيَشمَتَ حاسِدي

2. And separation has come upon me, destroying my spirit
O the one who departed my heart with separation

٢. وَرَدَ الفِراقُ عَلَيَّ يُتلِفُ مُهجَتي
يا بَرحَ قَلبي بِالفِراقِ الوارِدِ

3. The countries became too constricted for me altogether
To the point I felt the earth was a palm for a hunter

٣. ضاقَت عَلَيَّ لَهُ البِلادُ بِأَسرِها
حَتّى لَخِلتُ الأَرضَ كِفَّةَ صائِدِ

4. Does someone I love frolic sound and calm
While I wander in the dress of dispossessed misery?

٤. أَيَشُطُّ مَن أَهوى سَليماً وادِعاً
وَأَروحُ في ثَوبِ السَليبِ الفاقِدِ

5. By Allah, I remain while anguish is in my entrails
Due to separation watering me with lethal poison

٥. تَاللَهِ أَبقى وَالأَسى بِجَوانِحي
لِلبَينِ يَسقيني بِسِمِّ أَساوِدِ

6. O doe of the tents, you of languid eyes
The threat came true, so where is the truth of promises?

٦. يا ظِبيَةَ الخَيماتِ مِن ذاتِ الغَضا
صَدَقَ الوَعيدُ فَأَينَ صِدقُ مَواعِدِ

7. What would harm you if passion cooled
Between cheeks with the touch of a frigid mouth?

٧. ماذا يَضُرُّكِ لَو بَرَدتِ حَرارَةً
بَينَ الحَشا بِرُضابِ ثَغرٍ بارِدِ

8. If worries keep you awake at night or come to me
And my night would be, for you, the night of one asleep

٨. لَو بِتِّ تَخلِجُكِ الهُمومُ أَوَيتِ لي
وَلَكانَ لَيلي مِنكِ لَيلَ الراقِدِ

9. O her two guides, tarry and do not hasten
To drive your delicate doe away from me

٩. يا حادِيَيها لَبِّثا لا تَعجَلا
عَنّي بِظَبيِكُما النَوارِ الشارِدِ

10. Say to him, repeating the heart of a bereaved one
If there is no return to union, despondent

١٠. قولا لَهُ يَردُد فُؤادَ مُتَيَّمٍ
إِن كانَ لَيسَ إِلى الوِصالِ بِعائِدِ

11. Alas for his eyes that were unreceptive
When we bent his neck without resistance

١١. واها لِعَينَيهِ اللَتَينِ تَصَدَّتا
فَاِنصاعَ إِذ رُعناهُ غَيرَ مُعانِدِ

12. O fate, will you bring me near to her abode
After torturing me with prolonged absence?

١٢. يا دَهرُ هَل تُدني إِلَيَّ دِيارَها
مِن بَعدِ تَعذيبي بِطولِ تَباعُدِ

13. O fate, how much you have wronged me, yet found me
Neither complaining of misfortune nor ungrateful

١٣. يا دَهرُ كَم قَد سُؤتَني فَوَجَدتَني
لا أَشتَكي السوأى وَلَستُ بِجاحِدِ

14. You continue to oppress me, submerging me
And mistreating me with the tyranny of a hater

١٤. حَتّامَ لا أَنفَكُّ مِنكَ تَسومُني
خَسفاً وَتَعسِفُني بِسَطوَةِ حاقِدِ

15. And if I become troubled, the face of fortune scowls at me
You hasten to deprive me, speeding like a contender

١٥. وَإِذا اِضطَرَبتُ فَعَنَّ لي وَجهُ الغِنى
أَسرَعتَ في مَنعي اِنسِراعَ مُحارِدِ

16. How you have elevated an ignorant and indolent man
When you debased a brother making the pilgrimage with effort

١٦. كَم قَد سَمَوتَ بِجاهِلٍ وَبِخامِلٍ
لَمّا حَطَطتَ أَخا حِجاً وَمَحاتِدِ

17. You made their ancestors successful in all matters
When you were unhelpful to the free with every witness

١٧. أَسعَدتَ في كُلِّ الأُمورِ جُدودَهُم
إِذ كُنتَ لِلأَحرارِ غَيرَ مُساعِدِ

18. Wondrous are people whose ropes I tied
And I protected their absence with every onlooker

١٨. عَجَباً لِأَقوامٍ وَصَلتُ حِبالَهُم
وَرَعيتُ غَيبَتَهُم بِكُلِّ مَشاهِدِ

19. And I concealed their shame and was a warrior
Against whoever sought to diminish them with every effort

١٩. وَسَتَرتُ عَيبَهُمُ وَكُنتُ مُجاهِداً
مَن رامَ نَقصَهُمُ بِكُلِّ تَجاهُدِ

20. Then I saw the hypocrisy of their hearts with my eyes
For the eye in such states is the most just witness

٢٠. فَرَأَيتُ غِشَّ صُدورِهِم بِعُيونِهِم
وَالعَينُ في الحالاتِ أَعدَلُ شاهِدِ

21. So I recognized that and did not stop drawing them near
And clemency between relatives and strangers is best

٢١. فَعَرَفتُ ذاكَ وَلَم أَدَع إِدناءَهُم
وَالحِلمُ بَينَ أَقارِبٍ وَأَباعِدِ

22. Until I heard their malicious words and actions
The actions of the unjust and envious

٢٢. حَتّى سَمِعتُ عَنِ الضَغائِنِ قَولَهُم
وَفِعالَهُم فِعلَ الظَلومِ الحاسِدِ

23. So I busied myself and did not expose their secrets
And restrained my adviser and supporter from them

٢٣. فَلَزِمتُ نَفسي لا أُكَشِّفُ غَيبَهُم
وَكَفَفتُ عَنهُم ناصِحي وَمُعاضِدي

24. And they saw the beauty of forgiveness as weakness
After they disbelieved the beauty of patience like the unbeliever

٢٤. فَرَأَوا جَميلَ العَفوِ ضَعفاً بَعدَ ما
كَفَروا جَميلَ الطَولِ كُفرَ الجاحِدِ

25. There I endured humiliation exerting myself with them
And did not lie with any extra words

٢٥. فَهُناكَ أَمضَيتُ الهَوانَ مُشَمِّراً
فيهِم وَلَم أَكذِب بِقَولٍ زائِدِ

26. So I marked their faces with traits that humiliated
Their necks before people after necklaces

٢٦. فَوَسَمتُ أَوجُهَهُم سِماتٍ ذَلَّلَت
أَعناقَهُم لِلخَلقِ بَعدَ قَلائِدِ

27. And I loosened their venom with truthful words
In prose and in composed poetry

٢٧. وَأَبَنتُ نوكَهُمُ بِقَولٍ صادِقٍ
في نَثرِ مَنثورٍ وَنَظمِ قَصائِدِ

28. And I made them the joke of gatherings for their lifetime
And aloof from a mourner and a praiser

٢٨. وَجَعَلتُهُم ضُحَكَ المَجالِسِ دَهرَهُم
وَتَنَزُّهاً لِمُفَجَّعٍ وَلِسامِدِ

29. So when they see me approaching, I find them
Lowering faces, tongue-tied like the mute

٢٩. فَإِذا رَأَوني مُقبِلاً أَبصَرتُهُم
سُفعَ الوُجوهِ بَليغُهُم كَالجامِدِ

30. And when I turn about, they slink away
Wretchedly in the eyes of the discerning critic

٣٠. وَإِذا تَقَلَّبتُ اِدَّرَوا بِشَناعَةٍ
مَرذولَةٍ عِندَ اللَبيبِ الناقِدِ

31. Each desires my downfall if he could attain it
Losing his mother and father

٣١. كُلٌّ يَوَدُّ لِيَ الرَدى لَو نالَهُ
بِالأُمِّ يَفقِدُ شَخصَها وَالوالِدِ

32. But God is the greatest supporter of the peaceful petitioner
And God is the greatest subduer of the unjust obstinate one

٣٢. وَاللَهُ أَنصَرُ لِلمُسالِمِ ذي الحِجى
وَاللَهُ أَخذَلُ لِلمُسيءِ العانِدِ

33. You said, if my speech is accepted, beware
A lion who will crush you with a powerful arm

٣٣. قَد قُلتَ لَو قُبِلَ المَقالُ أَلا اِحذَروا
لَيثاً يُقَضقِضُكُم بِأَعبَلِ ساعِدِ

34. But they went on in the hatred of their hearts and were destroyed
Like debris for a digger or a hunter

٣٤. فَمَضَوا عَلى غِلِّ الصُدورِ فَغودِروا
مِثلَ الهَشيمِ لِخابِطٍ وَلِصائِدِ

35. If you deny what I say of their villainy
You will know their treasures in a single day

٣٥. إِن كُنتَ تُنكِرُ ما أَقولُ فَجارِهِم
تَعرِف خَزايَتَهُم بِيَومِ واحِدِ

36. When the generous one sees one of lowness
He turns away affection from him, turning away the repulsive one

٣٦. إِنَّ الكَريمَ إِذا رَأى ذا خِسَّةٍ
صَدَفَ المَوَدَّةَ عَنهُ صَدفَ الطارِدِ

37. Do not disregard people of affection and piety
And you will win the best ally and confidante

٣٧. لا تَعدُوَن أَهلَ المَوَدَّةِ وَالتُقى
تَظفَر بِخَيرِ مُؤازِرٍ وَمُعاقِدِ