
Playfulness in our days is no stranger,

لا يبعد اللهو في أيامنا المودي

1. Playfulness in our days is no stranger,
Nor the excess of passion in the ardent lover.

١. لا يَبعَدِ اللَهوُ في أَيّامِنا المودي
وَلا غُلُوُّ الهَوى في الغارَةِ الرودِ

2. The blackness of my hair makes it white again,
Successive white and black as days go by.

٢. وَجِدَّةُ الشَعَراتِ السودِ يُرجِعُها
بيضاً تَتابُعُ مَرِّ البيضِ وَالسودِ

3. If there was compensation in dreams for past ignorance,
I would not regret the white in my words and poems.

٣. لَو كانَ في الحِلمِ مِن جَهلٍ مَضى عِوَضٌ
لَم أَذمُمِ الشَيبَ في قَولي وَمَعقودي

4. That miserly one did not connect with me,
Neither her turning away nor my being turned from her.

٤. تِلكَ البَخيلَةُ ما وَصلي بِمُنصَرِفٍ
عَنها وَلا صَدُّها عَنّي بِمَصدودِ

5. Her phantom pained me in my weakness,
And I was consoled by shedding copious tears.

٥. أَلَمَّ بي طَيفُها وَهناً فَأَعوَزَهُ
عِندي وُجودُ كَرىً بِالدَمعِ مَطرودِ

6. If love breaks resolve now and then
I have broken the resolve of mighty heroes.

٦. إِن يَثلِمِ الحُبُّ في رَأيٍ فَرُبَّتَما
عَزمٍ ثَلَمتُ بِهِ صُمَّ الجَلاميدِ

7. The hostile investigator knew my worth,
And the foreigner understood my custom.

٧. قَد عَلِمَ الباحِثُ الشَنآنُ ما حَسبي
وَبانَ لِلعاجِمِ المُجتَسِّ ما عودي

8. I do not praise a man to the utmost he gives
A brook bursts forth from the sides of ice.

٨. لا أَمدَحُ المَرءَ أَقصى ما يَجودُ بِهِ
نَيلٌ يُكَسَّرُ مِن حافاتِ جُلمودِ

9. I am content with Ahmed's kindness,
It shows me the extent of wealth and his praise.

٩. حَسبي بِأَحمَدَ إِحساناً يُبَلِّغُني
مَدى الغِنى وَبِفِعلٍ مِنهُ مَحمودِ

10. The ripe fruit of the clouds, when his hand rains,
His gifts come before their time.

١٠. رَطبُ الغَمامِ إِذا ما اِستُمطِرَت يَدُهُ
جاءَت مَواهِبُهُ قَبلَ المَواعيدِ

11. The proud noble stock, when they mention
His excellence, they submit to him.

١١. مُثرٍ مِنَ الحَسَبِ الزاكي إِذا ذَكَروا
عُلاهُ أَلقَوا إِلَيهِ بِالمَقاليدِ

12. Envied, as if favors refused
To be found in anyone but the envied.

١٢. مُحَسَّدٌ وَكَأَنَّ المَكرُماتُ أَبَت
أَن توجِدَ الدَهرَ إِلّا عِندَ مَحسودِ

13. And the prey of the cheek is too busy for the critics,
Dew comes from the implements of the masters of the chase.

١٣. وَأَصيَدُ الخَدِّ عَن إِكثارِ عاذِلِهِ
إِنَّ النَدى مِن عَتادِ السادَةِ الصيدِ

14. Make peace with Abu Ja'far and a generosity will be ours,
And the house of glory will be returned to your heights.

١٤. إِسلَم أَبا جَعفَرٍ يَسلَم لَنا كَرَمٌ
وَبَيتُ مَجدٍ إِلى عُلياكَ مَردودِ

15. When I deny the downpour of rain, it is gentle,
For your generosity with me is never denied.

١٥. إِذا جَحَدتُ سِجالَ الغَيثِ رَيَّقَهُ
فَإِنَّ جودَكَ عِندي غَيرُ مَجحودِ

16. If I sought other than your blessings for myself
I would still be seeking something non-existent.

١٦. وَلَو طَلَبتُ سِوى نُعماكَ لي لَجَأً
لَظَلتُ أَطلُبُ شَيئاً غَيرَ مَوجودِ

17. Affection and gifts I got from you
While many givers of boons are ungenerous.

١٧. مَوَدَّةٌ وَعَطاءٌ مِنكَ نِلتُهُما
وَرُبَّ مُعطي نَوالٍ غَيرُ مَودودِ

18. Whether you turn eastward, wrapped
In the darkness, shaking the hem of night and wilderness,

١٨. إِمّا تَوَجَّهتَ نَحوَ الشَرقِ مُعتَسِفاً
بِاليَعمَلاتِ هُزونَ اللَيلِ وَالبيدِ

19. You left behind in my heart one wounded
With eyes full of sadness.

١٩. فَقَد تَرَكتَ بِقِنَّسرينِ أَفئِدَةً
مَجروحَةً وَعُيوناً ذاتَ تَسهيدِ

20. You gave them the beauty of kindness, so they are all
In a state of servitude, bound by longing.

٢٠. أَولَيتَهُم حُسنَ آلاءٍ فَكُلُّهُمُ
في حالِ مَستَعبَدٍ بِالطولِ مَكدودِ

21. And if you turn away but do not turn from
Sparing the tax, you do not turn from generosity.

٢١. وَإِن صُرِفتَ وَلَم تُصرَف لِبائِقَةٍ
عَنِ الخَراجِ فَلَم تُصرَف عَنِ الجودِ