
A specter visits me in my dreams,

إن طيفا يزورني في المنام

1. A specter visits me in my dreams,
One who shares my torment and passion.

١. إِنَّ طَيفاً يَزورُني في المَنامِ
لَخَلِيٌّ مِن لَوعَتي وَغَرامي

2. A beautiful damsel for whom I bear the blame,
And the toil of gifting is to bear the blame.

٢. غادَةٌ بِتُّ أَحمِلُ اللَومَ فيها
وَعَناءُ الموهِبِّ طولُ المَلامِ

3. She glanced at me furtively and her gaze
Infected my body with lovesickness.

٣. نَظَرَت خُلسَةً إِلَيَّ فَأعدى
بَدَني طَرفُ عَينِها بِالسَقامِ

4. She's feminine yet masculine, so she has the allure
Of a delicate girl and vigor of a youth.

٤. أُنِّثَت ثُمَّ ذُكِّرَت فَلَها دَلُّ
فَتاةٍ رودٍ وَقَدُّ غُلامِ

5. Virtuous beauty is superior when
It resembles the charm of the forbidden.

٥. وَلِحُسنِ الحَلالِ فَضلٌ إِذا ما
شابَهُ في العُيونِ ظَرفُ الحَرامِ

6. She quenched my thirst with her cup, in which
Was a draught to slake the most ardent thirst.

٦. قَد سَقَتني بِكَأسِها وَبِفيها
ما يُرَوّى مِن غُلَّةِ المُستَهامِ

7. In the prime of life she rivals,
Her dimples with the prime of stature.

٧. في اِعتِدالٍ مِنَ الزَمانِ يُباري
هِ فَتَحكيهِ بِاِعتِدالِ القَوامِ

8. Life is truly living when the nights
Are longer than the days.

٨. إِنَّما العَيشُ أَن تَكونَ اللَيالي
مُفضِلاتٌ طولاً عَلى الأَيّامِ

9. The air was clear and the delicate
Taste of water mixed in wine was pleasant.

٩. قَد صَفا جانِبُ الهَواءِ وَلَذَّت
رِقَّةُ الماءِ في مِزاجِ المُدامِ

10. And the morn culminated at the best time,
As a companion of intimacy and home of stay.

١٠. وَاِستُتِمَّ الصَبيحُ في خَيرِ وَقتٍ
فَهوَ مَغنى أُنسِ وَدارُ مُقامِ

11. A viewer faced the direction of the beauty, so if
Her life greeted with peace proclaimed.

١١. ناظِرٌ وِجهَةَ المَليحِ فَلَو يَن
طِقُ حَيّاهُ مُعلِناً بِالسَلامِ

12. She was clothed in joy and met
Him with laughter and smiles.

١٢. أُلبِسا بَهجَةً وَقابَلَ ذا
ذاكَ فَمِن ضاحِكٍ وَمِن بَسّامِ

13. Like two lovers, if able to meet
They would cling in intense embrace.

١٣. كَالمُحَبَّينِ لَو أَطاقا اِلتِقاءً
أَفرَطا في العِناقِ وَالاِلتِزامِ

14. The wind makes its way between its rains
Then settles out of lassitude and boredom.

١٤. تُنفِذُ الريحُ جَريَها بَينَ قُطرَي
هِ فَتَكبو مِن وِنيَةٍ وَسَآمِ

15. Drawing from the overflowing water
Like the polished white sword.

١٥. مُستَمِدٌّ بِجَدوَلٍ مِن عُبابِ ال
ماءِ كَالأَبيَضِ الصَقيلِ الحُسامِ

16. So when it bisects the green pond,
It takes on the dye of emerald.

١٦. فَإِذا ما تَوَسَّطَ البِركَةَ الخَض
راءَ أَلقَت عَلَيهِ صِبغَ الرُخامِ

17. You would think it a sea,
Deceiving the eye, yet it is rainwater.

١٧. فَتَراهُ كَأَنَّهُ ماءُ بَحرٍ
يَخدَعُ العَينَ وَهوَ ماءُ غَمامِ

18. The wheels spin but are not
Used to irrigate any but ostriches.

١٨. وَالدَواليبُ إِذ يَدُرنَ وَلا نا
ضِحُ يُسقى بِهِنَّ غَيرُ النَعامِ

19. A deserted place made for the first
Worshipers at the corner, plain and station.

١٩. بِدَعٌ أُنشِأَت لِأُولى عِبادِ اللَ
هِ بِالرُكنِ وَالصَفا وَالمَقامِ

20. Indeed the best of palaces has been
Avoided, hated by the best of people.

٢٠. إِنَّ خَيرَ القُصورِ أَصبَحَ مَوهو
باً بِكُرهِ العِدى لِخَيرِ الأَنامِ

21. It neighbors Ja'fari and leans
Toward it like one blindly imitating.

٢١. جاوَرَ الجَعفَرِيَّ وَاِنحازَ شِبدا
زُ إِلَيهِ كَالراغِبِ المُعتامِ

22. Gleaming residences of a kingdom like
Stars in the darkness of night.

٢٢. حِلَلٌ مِن مَنازِلِ المُلكِ كَالأَن
جُمِ يَلمَعنَ في سَوادِ الظَلامِ

23. Perplexing qualities, so they are
Perceived only by conjecture and illusion.

٢٣. مُفحَماتٌ تُعيِ الصِفاتِ فَما تُد
رَكُ إِلّا بِالظَنِّ وَالإيهامِ

24. It's as if we sense them in our wishes
Or see them in the visions of our dreams.

٢٤. فَكَأَنّا نُحِسُّها في الأَماني
أَو نَراها في طارِقِ الأَحلامِ

25. Chambers of religious and worldly structure
For which God confers the reward of the imam.

٢٥. غُرَفٌ مِن بِناءِ دينٍ وَدُنيا
يوجِبُ اللَهُ فيهِ أَجرُ الإِمامِ

26. They have roused in us longing for paradise
And avoiding sins and misdeeds.

٢٦. شَوَّقَتنا إِلى الجِنانِ فَزِدنا
في اِجتِنابِ الذُنوبِ وَالآثامِ

27. With them the predecessors ennobled
A kingdom and the proliferators of Islam boasted.

٢٧. وَبِها تُشرِفُ الأَوائِلَ مُلكاً
وَتُباهى مُكاثِري الإِسلامِ

28. May God bless the Caliph in glorious
Deeds and generous acts.

٢٨. بارَكَ اللَهُ لِلخَليفَةِ في المَج
دِ المُعَلّى وَالمَأثُراتِ الكِرامِ

29. And show him his hopes in the governors
Of the covenant, people of loyalty and favor.

٢٩. وَأَراهُ آمالَهُ في وُلاةِ العَه
دِ أَهلِ الوَفاءِ وَالإِنعامِ

30. May they remain in felicity and joy,
The durability of his kingdom and permanence.

٣٠. لا يَزالوا في غَبطَةٍ وَسُرورِ
وَبَقاءٍ مِن مُلكِهِ وَدَوامِ
