
Do you see Haytham able to bear my displeasure,

أترى هيثما يطيق ترضى

1. Do you see Haytham able to bear my displeasure,
With his frowning eyebrows bringing them together for me?

١. أَتَرى هَيثَماً يُطيقُ تَرضّى
حاجِبٍ جامِعٍ لَنا حاجِبَيهِ

2. Or do you see the radiant one leaving a surplus for me
Of a gift I have spent from upon him?

٢. أَم تَرى المَطلَ مُبقِياً لِيَ فَضلاً
مِن نَوالٍ أَنفَقتُ مِنهُ عَلَيهِ

3. I do not complain except to my intercessor, so is there for me
An intercessor to my intercessor to him?

٣. لَستُ أَشكو إِلّا شَفيعي فَهَل لي
مِن شَفيعٍ إِلى شَفيعي إِلَيهِ