
Indeed Prince Abu Ali's hands

إن الأمير أبا علي أصبحت

1. Indeed Prince Abu Ali's hands
Now embrace all virtues and eminence

١. إِنَّ الأَميرَ أَبا عَلِيٍّ أَصبَحَت
كَفّاهُ قَد حَوَتِ المَكارِمَ وَالعُلا

2. He protected the caliphate, defending its glory
And relieved the caliph of anxieties that overwhelmed and troubled

٢. حاطَ الخِلافَةَ ذائِداً عَن عِزِّها
وَكَفى الخَليفَةَ ما أَهَمَّ وَأَعضَلا

3. A sword against his enemies that does not recede
Until the darkness of formidable calamities is dispelled

٣. سَيفٌ عَلى أَعدائِهِ لا تَنجَلي
ظُلَمُ الخُطوبِ السودِ حَتّى يُجتَلى

4. His firm resolve may waver at times
And his determination prove hasty at times

٤. تَثني بَوادِرُهُ الأَناةُ وَرُبَّما
سارَت عَزيمَتُهُ فَكانَت جَحفَلا

5. The loyal stand guard over him, and when he sets out
He goes forth as a lion, not to be confronted or rivaled

٥. تَقِفُ المَوالي حَجرَتَيهِ فَإِن غَدا
أَغدى لُيوثاً ما تُرامُ وَأَشبُلا

6. The enemies have tasted his blows
Which sufficed to drive the fleeing rebels away

٦. قَد جَرَّبَ الأَعداءُ مِن وَقعاتِهِ
ما كَفَّ غَربَ الخالِعينَ وَنَكَّلا

7. How many mounted warriors in combat met their end
When they fell beneath his sword, mangled

٧. كَم سادِرٍ في الغِيِّ ذَمَّ فِعالَهُ
لَمّا هَوى تَحتَ السيوفِ مُجَدَّلا

8. Like Abu Numeir whose transgressions progressed
And whose rebellion went too far

٨. كَأَبي نُمَيرٍ إِذ تَتابَعَ غُيُّهُ
وَغَلا بِهِ مِن فَرطِ بَغيٍ ما غَلا

9. Al-Musharraf's devastating blow cut him down
His body, though reluctant, was severed in two

٩. قَطَعَتهُ وَقعَةُ مَشرَفِيٍّ سارِمٍ
أَعيا لَها جُثمانُهُ أَن يوصَلا

10. And he was split in half, separated
Upon the blade of the equitable Qasim

١٠. وَغَدَت بِهِ نِصفَينِ قَد فُصِلا عَلى
حَدَقٍ تَوَخّى قاسِمٍ أَن يُعدِلا

11. The people gaze in awe as the two halves lie
Seeing which half was longer

١١. يَتَأَمَّلُ الأَقوامُ إِذ حَدَقوا بِهِ
نِصفَينِ رَيُّهُما يَرَونَ الأَطوَلا

12. I said to the Arabs, thank he who bestowed favors
Embrace him, greet him, make him welcome

١٢. قَد قُلتُ لِلعَرَبِ اِشكُروا ذا أَنعُمٍ
أَولاكُموها صافِحاً وَمُنَوِّلا

13. His gifts came quick, he made haste
His steps rushed to arrive early

١٣. عَجِلَت مَواهِبُهُ لَكُم فَتَسَرَّعَت
وَتَثَبَّتَت خُطُواتُهُ أَن تَعجَلا

14. He spared blood, though he could have shed it
He gave generously, bearing the burdens

١٤. حَقَنَ الدِماءَ وَلَو يَشاءُ هَراقَها
جَزَلَ العَطايا حامِلاً ما حُمِّلا

15. Through him the affairs of a people were reconciled
Who had no one but him to set things right

١٥. صَلُحَت بِهِ أَسبابُ قَومٍ لَم يَكُن
إِلّا اِلتُقى بِصَلاحِها مُتَكَفِّلا

16. In his magnanimity he embraced the frontiers
He was lenient with Homs in all he pardoned

١٦. شَمَلَ الثُغورَ بِضيمَةٍ مِن جودِهِ
سَمحٍ وَذَلَّلَ حِمصَ فيما ذَلَّلا

17. I placed my hopes in him, his virtues perfect
Nobility rewarded the eager with all he wished

١٧. أَصحَبتُهُ أَمَلي وَمِثلُ خِلالِهِ
كَرُمَت فَأَعطَت راغِباً ما أَمَّلا

18. I hoped he would grant the Levant its rightful share
And entrust it with all it was entrusted before

١٨. وَرَجَوتُ أَن يُعطى بِقِسطِ فُتوحِهِ
فَيُخَوِّلَ الشاماتِ فيما خُوِّلا

19. To set right its crooked administration
And restore as leader each qualified man

١٩. لِيُقَوِّمَ المُعوَجَّ مِن تَدبيرِها
وَيُعيدَ مُدبِرَ كُلِّ أَمرٍ مُقبِلا

20. Through his intercession many an unworthy man
Was granted a position he was unqualified to fill

٢٠. وَلَرُبَّ رُتبَةِ سُؤدَدٍ شَفَعَت بِهِ
مِن قَبلِ أَن يُدعى لَها وَيُؤَهَّلا

21. The rain had shunned our lands
Until you arrived and it poured heavily down

٢١. كانَ السَحابُ مُجانِباً لِبِلادِنا
حَتّى قَدِمتَ فَجادَ فيهِ وَأَسبَلا

22. May you live long, always empowered
Honored, revered, and exalted

٢٢. فَاِسلَم لَنا طولَ الحَياةِ مُؤَمَّراً
وَمُؤَمِّلاً وَمُعَظَّماً وَمُبَجَّلا