1. Say to Sarjas, O son of a lustful prostitute
And one who has burning desire in his loins for her
١. قولوا لِسَرجَسَ يا اِبنَ القَحبَةِ الشَبِقَه
وَمَن لَها في حَشاها شَهوَةٌ حَرِقَه
2. And son of she who offered her diseased vagina
As a cunt for every virile man's erection
٢. وَاِبنَ الَّتي جَعَلَت لِلداءِ فَقحَتَها
وَقفاً عَلى كُلِّ فَحلٍ ناكَها صَدَقَه
3. And one whose pride is humbled by the slap
Of disgrace that chokes him with its rope
٣. وَمَن تَذَلُّ لِوَقعِ الصَفعِ هامَتُهُ
ذُلَّ الحُلوقِ الَّتي بِالحَبلِ مُختَنِقَه
4. And one who, when the Arabs recount their ancestry
Derives not from the noblest stock
٤. وَمَن إِذا عَدَّتِ الأَنباطُ كانَ إِذا
ما نَصَّ عَن أَصلِهِ مِن أَرذَلِ الطَبَقَه
5. And one with a daughter who tosses in anal sex
Who has scorched his eyelids and prolonged his insomnia
٥. وَمَن بِهِ أُبنَةٌ في الدِبرِ مُقلِقَةٌ
قَد أَحرَقَت جَفنُهُ بَل طَوَّلَت أَرَقَه
6. And one with a female camel soliciting mating
Saying, "yes," and leaving him anxious and sleepless
٦. وَمَن بِهِ بَخرَةٌ تُردي مُخاطِبَةُ
نَعَم وَتَترُكُ مِنهُ روحَهُ قَلِقَه
7. And one with an aunt who commits adultery and a
Procuress mother, despicable and worn-out he created
٧. وَمَن لَهُ عَمَّةٌ تَزني وَوالِدَةٌ
قَوّادَةٌ نَذلَةٌ مَهتوكَةٌ خَلَقَه
8. And a wicked sister farting at the suitors
Farting like a donkey's at the veterinarian's noose
٨. وَأُختُ سوءٍ عَلى الأَعرادِ ضارِطَةٌ
ضُراطَ عَيرٍ لَدى البيطارِ قَد شَنَقَه
9. Time has shown us its wonders
That the likes of you acts as judge and executioner
٩. أَبدى الزَمانُ لَنا مِن صَرفِهِ عَجَباً
إِذ صارَ مِثلُكَ فيهِ لاوِياً عُنُقَه
10. I swear had I not known you were a fool
O son of a rotten carcass buried in sand
١٠. أَقسَمتُ لَولا بَداهاتي وَمَعرِفَتي
بِسُخفِ قَدرِكَ يا اِبنَ الجيفَةِ الوَدِقَه
11. I would have cleaved your skull with a resounding slap
A slap leaving you with eyes sunken and bulging
١١. شَقَقتُ مِنكَ قَفاً لِلصَفعِ دامِيَةً
صَفعاً تَظَلُّ عَلَيهِ نادِرَ الحَدَقَه
12. But I refrained, for my father is noble
And my grandfather led those who preceded him
١٢. كَلِن تَرَفَّعتُ قَدراً عَنكَ أَنَّ أَبي
نَجدٌ كَريمٌ وَجَدّي سادَ مَن سَبَقَه
13. How could a soul be safe from you
When I have seized it in my claws that claw
١٣. بَل كَيفَ تَسلَمَ نَفسٌ مِنكَ قَد صَلِيَت
بِسَطوَتي وَمَخاليبي بِها عَلِقَه
14. O son of she who if night falls on a man
And he sleeps plugged by her penis in his throat
١٤. يا اِبنَ الَّتي إِن دَجا لَيلٌ عَلى رَجُلٍ
وَباتَ يَطعَنُهُا بِالعَردِ في الحَلَقَه
15. She produces a whimper imitating the sound
Of her cunt when the virile slaps loudly
١٥. أَبدَت نَخيراً يُحاكي صَوتَ مِضرَتِها
إِذا الغَوِيُّ مَجوناً بِالخُصى صَفَقَه
16. If you were from perfect nothingness you showed your ignorance
When I refused to marry a free woman of clear nobility
١٦. إِن كُنتَ مِن عَدَمٍ أَظهَرتَ جَهلَكَ لي
لَما أَنِفتُ لِحُرٍّ ظاهِرِ الشَفَقَه
17. That is al-Najd, who if people raced
To the heights of generosity, would have preceded them
١٧. وَذاكَ نَجدٌ لَوَ أَنَّ الخَلقَ سابِقَهُ
إِلى العُلا وَسَماحِ الكَفِّ ما سَبَقَه
18. Were it not for misfortunes turning from you
Wanting others with disasters piercing
١٨. لَولا نُحوسٌ تَوَلَّت عَنكَ مُعرِضَةٌ
تُريدُ غَيرَكَ بِالآفاتِ مُختَرِقَه
19. You would have been a full moon and star
Delivered to humiliation fearing its terror causing dread
١٩. لَكانَ بَدرٌ وَنَجمٌ أَسلَماكَ إِلى
ذُلٍّ يَخافُ الرَدى مِن هَولِهِ فَرَقَه
20. There is nothing but you, you will not lack it
And soon you will take it, hastening your demise
٢٠. وَماعَداكَ فَشَيءٌ لَستَ تَعدَمُهُ
وَسَوفَ تَقبِضُهُ مِن عاجِلٍ نَفَقَه