
He exposes himself to abandonment though he is a coward

متعرض للهجر وهو جبان

1. He exposes himself to abandonment though he is a coward
And his weapon against his enemy is alienation

١. مُتَعَرِّضٌ لِلهَجرِ وَهوَ جَبانُ
وَسِلاحُهُ لِعَدُوِّهِ الهِجرانُ

2. He longs for my anger with him expectantly
So when I get angry, he yields

٢. يَصبو إِلى غَضَبي عَلَيهِ تَشَوُّقاً
فَإِذا غَضِبتُ أَتى بِهِ الإِذعانُ

3. His conscience desires my love but his heart
Refuses this love though his tongue pretends

٣. يَهوى هَوايَ ضَميرُهُ فَفُؤادُهُ
فَردُ الهَوى وَلِسانُهُ أَلوانُ