1. The deserted house refuses to weep,
Nor will the ruins lament their grief.
١. يَأبى الخَلِيُّ بُكاءَ المَنزِلِ الخالي
وَالنَوحَ في أَرسُمٍ أَقوَت وَأَطلالِ
2. Yet the youth persists unceasingly
To restore the forgotten ruins piece by piece.
٢. وَذو الصَبابَةِ ما يَنفَكُّ يُنصِبُهُ
وَجداً تَأَبُّدُ آيِ الدِمنَةِ البالي
3. How often have I been determined, with ears unwilling
To hear my critics reproach me about Layla.
٣. كَم قَد صَمِمتُ وَأُذني جِدُّ سامِعَةٍ
عَن عاذِلاتِيَ في لَيلى وَعُذّالي
4. The conversations of youth have rekindled my passion,
Though time has passed, leaving behind only traces.
٤. رَدَّت عَلَيَّ أَحاديثُ الصِبا حُرَقاً
وَقَد تَقَدَّمَ دَهرٌ دونَهُ خالِ
5. Never did I imagine that time would be kind
And leave our love undiminished,
٥. وَما تَوَهَّمتُني أُعطي الزَمانَ رِضاً
بِأَن يَطولَ بِذاكَ العَهدِ إِخلالي
6. Youth has faded away, nothing remains
Except traces, like the remnants of a coat.
٦. بانَ الشَبابُ فَلا عَينٌ وَلا أَثَرٌ
إِلّا بَقِيَّةَ بُردٍ مِنهُ أَسمالِ
7. I had almost crossed the limit of my patience
In despair, ready to let go of my longing.
٧. قَد كِدتُ أُخرِجُهُ عَن مُنتَهى عَدَدي
يَأساً وَأُسقِطُهُ إِذ فاتَ مِن بالي
8. Despair before hope is the worst consequence,
And the most crippling illness comes after recovery.
٨. أَسوا العَواقِبِ يَأسٌ قَبلَهُ أَمَلٌ
وَأَعضَلُ الداءِ نَكسٌ بَعدَ إِبلالِ
9. Man obeys the days as they move him
Like shadows shifting from state to state.
٩. وَالمَرءُ طاعَةُ أَيّامٍ تُنَقِّلُهُ
تَنَقُّلَ الظِلِّ مِن حالٍ إِلى حالِ
10. Of the strange events which fate can bring
In the early days or in the future.
١٠. وَمِن غَرائِبِ ما تَأتي الخُطوبُ بِهِ
في أَوَّلٍ مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ أَو تالِ
11. A wonder that astonishes you from my experience
And from the experience of Shah Bin Mikal.
١١. أُحدوثَةٌ عَجَبٌ أُنبيكَ عَن خَبَري
فيها وَعَن خَبَرِ الشاهِ بنِ ميكالِ
12. So I fled from it, shy of my inability
To reward the increase in my status and wealth.
١٢. فَرَرتُ مِنهُ حَياءً مِن قُصوري عَن
جَزاءِ ما زادَ في جاهي وَفي مالي
13. Why did I not repay him with gratitude
When I could not match his generosity with my own?
١٣. لِم لَم أُعَوِّضهُ شُكراً عَن تَطَوُّلِهِ
إِذ لَم أُكايِلهُ إِفضالاً بِإِفضالِ
14. In poetry, when I compose the rhymes artfully,
It compensates the generous and punishes the stingy.
١٤. وَفي القَوافي إِذا سَيَّرتُها عِوَضٌ
لِأَجوَدينَ وَتَنكيلٌ لِبُخّالِ
15. Like a light kindled by the dawn of spring
In a barren garden full of sadness and emptiness.
١٥. كَالنورِ أَوقَدَهُ طَلُّ الرَبيعِ ضُحىً
في عاطِلٍ مِن رِياضِ الحَزنِ أَو حالِ
16. The wares did not become expensive after being sold,
Truly, it is the cheap items that are overpriced.
١٦. لَم تَغلُ وَهيَ غَداةَ البَيعِ مُثمِنَةٌ
إِنَّ الرَخيصَ الَّذي يُلغى هُوَ الغالي
17. Abu Ghanim is not seeking what he is inspired
To strive for, neither tools nor equipment.
١٧. وَما أَبوغانِمٍ عَمّا تُهيبُ بِهِ
إِلَيهِ بِالمُقتَضي سَعياً وَلا الآلي
18. He is marked by the noble traits that distinguish
The unaware from the enlightened.
١٨. عَلَيهِ سيما مِنَ العَلياءِ بانَ بِها
مِن غافِلينَ عَنِ العَلياءِ أَغفالِ
19. I asked about the friends of truth, hoping
To find them, despite my lack and paucity.
١٩. سَأَلتُ عَن أَصدِقاءِ الصِدقِ مُؤتَنِفاً
وَقَد تَرى عَدَمي مِنهُم وَإِقلالي
20. I see flashes of sincerity in them, but who
Can tell us about the flashes of perfection?
٢٠. أَشيمُ مِنهُم بُروقَ الخُلَّباتِ فَهَل
شَخصٌ يُخَبِّرُنا عَن بارِقِ الخالِ
21. People are like trees, they differ
And you may see the distance between a spring and one who strays.
٢١. وَالناسُ كَالشَجَرِ البادي تَفاوُتُهُ
وَقَد تَرى بُعدَ بَينِ النَبعِ وَالضالِ
22. Has kindness withered or has it lost its joy?
Or have its nights faded away with the family?
٢٢. تَصَرَّمَ الخَيرُ أَم زالَت بَشاشَتُهُ
أَمِ اِضمَحَلَّت لَياليهِ مَعَ الآلِ
23. If not for rare faults from the Shah that took hold,
Generosity amongst us would be humiliated.
٢٣. لَولا خِلالُ مِنَ الشاهِ اِستَبَدَّ بِها
لَأَصبَحَ الجودُ فينا كاسِفَ البالِ
24. When the horse's saddle lowered it, he let it go
Galloping, overtaking the lofty summit.
٢٤. إِذا اِستَقَلَّتهُ جُردُ الخَيلِ أَقدَمَها
سَبطاً يَفوتُ سِنانَ الصَعدَةِ العالي
25. If he walked weighted down by his coat of mail, he lessened it -
Honored between wraps and trails.
٢٥. وَإِن مَشى في فُضولِ الدِرعِ قَلَّصَها
مُبَجَّلٌ بَينَ تَشميرٍ وَإِسبالِ
26. It sufficed me though I did not seek sufficiency,
The stroke of his riding animal upon the reins and straps.
٢٦. غَمرٌ كَفاني وَلَم أَخطُب كِفايَتَهُ
نَصَّ المَطِيِّ عَلى أَينٍ وَإِعمالِ
27. It secured me from the injustice of foes and exceeded
My hopes in every request and aspiration.
٢٧. آمَنَني غَولَ أَوجالي وَجاوَزَ بي
في كُلِّ مُطَّلِبٍ غاياتِ آمالي
28. I was accustomed to the nights attacking me
Then returning to attack me again.
٢٨. وَقَد عَهِدتُ اللَيالي وَهيَ جاهِدَةٌ
تَسعى عَلَيَّ فَعادَت وَهيَ تَسعى لي