
A poem of spontaneous composition, yearning like thunder's rumble

ذات ارتجاز بحنين الرعد

1. A poem of spontaneous composition, yearning like thunder's rumble
Dragging its tail, true to its promise

١. ذاتُ اِرتِجازٍ بِحَنينِ الرَعدِ
مَجرورَةُ الذَيلِ صَدوقِ الوَعدِ

2. Eyes overflowing with tears of passion unfulfilled
A breeze like the fragrance of roses

٢. مَسفوحَةُ الدَمعِ لِغَيرِ وَجدِ
لَها نَسيمٌ كَنَسيمِ الوَردِ

3. A growl like a lion's roar
Lightning flashes like Indian swords

٣. وَرَنَّةٌ مِثلَ زَئيرِ الأُسدِ
وَلَمعُ بَرقٍ كَسُيوفِ الهِندِ

4. Brought here by a wind from Nejd
Scattered like beads off a broken necklace

٤. جاءَت بِها ريحُ الصَبا مِن نَجدِ
فَاِنتَثَرَت مِثلَ اِنتِثارِ العِقدِ

5. The land lived in ease and plenty
From the radiance of dewdrops in the chill

٥. فَراحَتِ الأَرضُ بِعَيشٍ رَغَدِ
مِن وَشيِ أَنوارِ الرُبى في بُردِ

6. As if its perfumed flowers in the valley
Were playing with their petals like dice

٦. كَأَنَّما غُدرانُها في الوَهدِ
يَلعَبنَ مِن حَبابِها بِالنَردِ