
Your country has become my country

قامت بلادك لي مقام بلادي

1. Your country has become my country
And I see your homeland as less than my homeland

١. قامَت بِلادُكَ لي مَقامَ بِلادي
وَأَرى تِلادَكَ باتَ دونَ تِلادي

2. As if I had not abandoned my own country or
My enviers rejoiced at the loss of my fortune

٢. حَتّى كَأَنِّيَ لَم أُرِم وَطَني وَلَم
تَشمَت بِزائِلِ نِعمَتي حُسّادي

3. And you had promised me in my lifetime what prevents
Me from fulfilling that promise

٣. وَلَقَد وَعَدتَ وَفي حَياتي مانِعٌ
لي مِن تَنَجُّزِ ذَلِكَ الميعادِ

4. And you redouble the promise you have confirmed
That the one who gave is truly promising

٤. وَيُضاعِفُ الوَعدَ الَّذي أَكَّدتَهُ
أَنَّ الَّذي أَعطَيتَ جِدُّ مُعادِ

5. Does the intercessor, whom you ordered to fulfill my need
Hope to attain it and bring it to my satisfaction?

٥. أَتُرى الشَفيعُ وَقَد أَمَرتَ بِحاجَتي
يَرجو الوُصولَ بِها إِلى إِحمادي

6. And when the sick one complains of that which pains him
The reward of visitors does not cure him

٦. وَإِذا العَليلُ أَبَلَّ مِمّا يَشتَكي
لَم تُرجَ فيهِ مَثوبَةُ العُوّادِ