1. Why does he who I have mercy on, not have mercy on me?
He wrongs me with estrangement, though I've not wronged him
١. ما لي لا يَرحَمُني مَن أَرحَمُه
يَظلُمُ بِالهِجرانِ مَن لا يَظلِمُه
2. He misses my target, yet his arrows hit true
Only my aching heart made his heart ache too
٢. يُخطِئُ سَهمي وَتُصيبُ أَسهُمُه
وَإِنَّما أَسقَمَ قَلبي مُسقِمُه
3. He surrendered it to saffron, his surrenderer
Better is he who bears the shoes upon his feet
٣. أَسلَمَهُ لِلزَعفَرانِ مِسلِمُه
أَحسَنُ مَن تَحمِلُ نَعلاً قَدَمُه
4. Yet he defies me, though I don't defy him
At times esteeming, at others debasing him
٤. لَكِنَّهُ يَصرِمُ مَن لا يَصرِمُه
يُهينُهُ طَوراً وَطَوراً يُكرِمُه
5. Granting at times, at others denying him
The full moon rose, banishing all darkness
٥. وَتارَةً يَرزُقُهُ وَيَحرِمُه
بَدرٌ بَدا فَانجابَ عَنهُ ظُلَمُه
6. Just a pearl, his smile
Fate never fooled me, though it's tried to cheat him
٦. وَإِنَّما لُؤلُؤَةٌ تَبَسُّمُه
ما غَرَّ دَهراً رابَني تَغَشُّمُه
7. It didn't destroy me, though I destroyed it
Days for me, bringing good and bad tidings
٧. وَكانَ لا يَهدِمُني وَأَهدِمُه
أَيّامَ لي مُبشَرُهُ وَمُؤدَمُه
8. Days when my hair turned raven black like his
He wrongs Al-Raimi, but doesn't wrong him
٨. أَيّامَ رَأسي كَالغُرابِ أَسحَمُه
يُتَيّمُ الريمَ وَلا يُتَيّمُه
9. Sometimes even the noble's feet may slip
The noble loses nothing from his faults
٩. وَرُبَّما زَلَّت بِحُرٍّ قَدَمُه
وَالحُرُّ لا يَأخُذُ مِنهُ عَدَمُه
10. Or gains anything by the coins of the vile
A hero, his banner like the phoenix rising
١٠. وَلا يَزيدُ في اللَئيمِ دِرهَمُه
وَمَهمَهٍ مِثلَ الفَنيقِ عَلَمُه
11. His zeal and might roar within him
Though mirages have tempted his perfect vision
١١. يَصدَحُ فيهِ هامُهُ وَبُوَمُه
وَقَد تَرَدّى بِالسَرابِ أَكَمُه
12. We fight his demon, and it fights us
The night is the dusk of his darkening shirt
١٢. يَلطِمُنا عِفريتُهُ وَنَلطِمُه
وَاللَيلُ غِربيبُ القَميصِ أَدهَمُه
13. His steps never falter toward the Imam
Whether fate brings death sooner or later
١٣. إِلى الإِمامِ لا تَجُفُّ قُذُمُه
مِن عاجِلٍ أَو آجِلٍ يُقَدِّمُه
14. Indeed, blessings and bounty filled Abu Ishaq
And vengeance against betrayers was his right
١٤. إِنَّ أَبا إِسحاقَ عَمَّت نِعَمُه
وَجَعجَعَت بِالناكِثينَ نِقَمُه
15. A Caliph who knows what we don't know
His ambitions reached the highest star
١٥. خَليفَةٌ يَعلَمُ ما لا نَعلَمُه
نيطَت بِأَعلى النَجمِ قِدَماً هِمَمُه
16. His tent and nature were pure
If God were to speak to an Imam, he is the one
١٦. وَطابَ مِنهُ خيمُهُ وَشيمُه
لَو كَلَّمَ اللَهُ إِماماً كَلِمُه
17. The Imam of justice, every merit his twin
Then the wise one who taught us wisdom
١٧. إِمامُ عَدلٍ كُلُّ فَضلٍ تَوأَمُه
ثُمَّ حَكيمٌ أَدَّبَتنا حِكَمُه
18. Inspired as Al-Rashid was inspired
Through him religion was upheld, its pillars strengthened
١٨. يُلهَمُ ما كانَ الرَشيدُ يُلهَمُه
قامَ بِهِ الدين وَقامَت دُعُمُه
19. His hearing found salvation, a treasure for the eternal
O defender of Islam, you are its safety
١٩. وَصالَحَ السَمعَ الأَزَلَّ غَنَمُه
يا ناصِرَ الإِسلامِ أَنتَ سَلَمُه
20. Both its sanctuaries and its hills sing your praise
As do the Ancient House and the Well of Zamzam
٢٠. يُثني عَلَيكَ حِلُّهُ وَحَرَمُه
وَمِثلَهُ حَطيمُهُ وَزَمزَمُه
21. So many enemies, their blood your wage
You study the stars, and they study you
٢١. كَم مِن عَدُوٍّ لَكَ مَألولٍ دَمُه
يَرعى النُجومَ وَالنُجومُ تَرجُمُه
22. You are God's honest trustee, flawless and true
Noble in history and tradition
٢٢. أَنتَ أَمينُ اللَهِ لا تُجَمجِمُه
وَفي الحَديثِ وَالقَديمِ كَرَمُه
23. The best foundation a kingdom can be built upon
The highest and mightiest of mountains
٢٣. وَخَيرُ بُنيانِ المُلوكِ أَقدَمُه
وَالشامِخُ الباذِخُ مِنهُ قَشعَمُه