
Good tidings of spring, its harbingers have arrived

بشرى الربيع لقد وافت بشائره

1. Good tidings of spring, its harbingers have arrived
And its fragrance has spread around you in the horizons

١. بـشــرى الربـيع لقــد وافـت بـشائره
وفـاح دونـــك فـي الآفـاق عــاطــره

2. The twigs swayed with joyous birds
As the flowers smiled with wonder at their blossoms

٢. ومـالت القـضـب بالأطــيار مـطربـة
وقـد تــبــسم من عجــب أزاهــــــره

3. So begin, O melancholy soul
Stirred by the meanings of the valley's flourishing landscape

٣. فــسر مـقـدمــه الحــالي أخا شــجـن
يـهــيـجـه من مـعاني الدوح نـاضـره

4. And the flowers in their joy offered petals
When the roses thrived and its aspects manifested

٤. والزهـر من فـرح أهـدى النثـار بـها
لمـا سما الورد واستـعلت مـظـاهـره

5. Its current state and the news it brings
Describe the noble qualities of our satisfaction, its splendors

٥. حـكـى بـمـنـظــره الحـالي ومخـبـره
صفـات رضوانـنا السامــي زواهره

6. A prince of glory, his praises are recited for us
Throughout time as his achievements are recounted

٦. أمـير مجد لنـا تــتـلى مـــــدائحــــــه
مدى الزمـان كما تـــروى مـــآثـــره

7. He holds the lion and Mars in his hand
When he appears angry, his sword unsheathed

٧. تـخـاله الليــث والمـريـخ فــي يــــده
إذا بدا جـائلاً والســيـف شـاهـــــره

8. A meadow of bounty, but a fruitful one forever
Rain, but its drops have watered its plains

٨. روض نـضـيـر ولكـن مـثـمـر أبـــداً
غـيــث ولكـن نــدى عمــت مواطـره

9. Take from your time what enriches you, seizing opportunities
While you sigh for the caprices of this fate

٩. خــذ مـن زمانك مـا أغـنـاك مغتنـمــا
وأنــت نـاه لهـذا الدهـر آمــــــــــــره

10. And dwell in the meadows of glory and power outstretched
With the songbirds of bliss singing joyously around you

١٠. ودم بـروض العـلا والعز مـنـبــسـطاً
بـمطـربـات الهــنـا يــشـدوك طــائره