1. He said:
The enchanter of the two eyelids you would think
١. قال:
وساحِرِ المقلتين تحسَبُه
2. Is one of the black-eyed Houris of Paradise set free
Smiling with pearls and with hail
٢. من حور عِين الجِنان منفَلِتا
يَبسِمُ عن لؤلؤٍ وعن برَدٍ
3. Between the red cornelian his two lips have been opened
The full moon in the sky is dimmed by his splendor
٣. ما بين زهر العقيق قد فُتِتا
تكسف بدرَ السماء بهجتُه
4. And if his two eyelids chant, they intoxicate
So the face is like the rising sun in its glory
٤. وإن رنَتْ مقلتاه أسكرتا
فالوجهُ كالشمس مُذهَب شرِق
5. And the chest and the cheeks are sculpted jewels
I said to him, while the crow plays with me
٥. والصدرُ والجيدُ جوهر نُحِتا
قلت له والغراب يعبثُ بي
6. And my two eyes are confused by his teeth
Will there ever be an affection counted as desire
٦. وناظري في سناه قد بُهِتا
ألا وهل عطفَة تُعدّ مُنى
7. From you, for aloofness has triumphed?
So he said, "From me to you is the shame of absence
٧. منكَ فإنّ العَذول قد شمِتا
فقال منّي إليك شيْمُ سَنا
8. That agonizes the passionate lover,
And he passed by like the full moon in his heavens
٨. يسوم ذا الشوقِ في الهوى عنَتا
ومرّ كالبَدْرِ في سماوَتِه
9. Strutting in his arrogance and he did not turn back
٩. يختال في زهوِه وما التفتا