1. O Islam, take caution against calamities,
If you ask me, then ask me as one who knows.
١. أَلا يا اِسلَمي عَلى الحَوادِثِ فاطِما
فَإِن تَساليني فَاِسأَلي بي عالِما
2. We marched against them, our swords our walking sticks,
We swore oaths to strike off their heads.
٢. غَدَونا إِلَيهِم وَالسُيوفُ عِصِيُّنا
بِأَيمانِنا نَفلي بِهِنَّ الجَماجِما
3. By my life, we will satiate the hyenas of Unayzah
For a year with them, and the voracious eagles too.
٣. لَعَمري لَأَشبَعنا ضِباعَ عُنَيزَةٍ
إِلى الحَولِ مِنها وَالنُسورَ القَشاعِما
4. Their bones will crackle as they are torn apart in the morning
And their skulls will be reduced to shattered fragments.
٤. تُمَكَّكُ أَطرافَ العِظامِ غُدَيَّةً
وَتَجعَلَهُنَّ لِلأُنوفِ خَواطِما
5. We left him stripped of his armor and weaponry
With the wolf standing over him, tearing and devouring.
٥. وَمُستَلَبٍ مِن دِرعِهِ وَسِلاحِهِ
تَرَكنا عَلَيهِ الذِئبَ يَنهَسُ قائِما
6. As for Akhw Qurt, I will not mock him,
Rather say “O Aslam, say it gently.”
٦. فَأَمّا أَخو قُرطٍ فَلَستُ بِساخِرٍ
فَقولا أَلا يا أَسلَم بِمُرَّةَ سالِما