
I declared my love for Jumal openly

أعلنت في حب جمُلٍ أي إعلان

1. I declared my love for Jumal openly
And her status became known after being hidden

١. أَعلَنتُ في حُبِّ جُملٍ أَيَّ إِعلانِ
وَقَد بَدا شَأنُها مِن بَعدِ كِتمانِ

2. The slanderers schemed between us
Until I avoided her without actually abandoning her

٢. وَقَد سَعى بَينَنا الواشونَ وَاِختَلَفوا
حَتّى تَجَنَّبتُها مِن غَيرِ هِجرانِ

3. Shall I send her a messenger like a vigorous stallion
A fleet-footed smooth rock hyrax sent on an errand

٣. هَل أَبلُغَنها بِمِثلِ الفَحلِ ناجِيَةٍ
عَنسٍ عُذافِرَةٍ بِالرَحلِ مِذعانِ

4. As if it were a reddish fox refreshed
By the water of Maawan after being possible

٤. كَأَنَّها واضِحُ الأَقرابِ حَلَّأَهٌ
عَن ماء ماوانَ رامٍ بَعدَ إِمكانِ

5. So it set out brisk as polished iron
Amidst the goats coming from a lofty settlement

٥. فَجالَ هافٍ كَسَفّودِ الحَديدِ لَهُ
وَسطَ الأَماعِزِ مِن نَقعٍ جَنابانِ

6. Its forelegs swaying bent
In an undesired makeshift mule saddle

٦. تَهوي سَنابِكُ رِجلَيهِ مُحَنَّبَةً
في مُكرَهٍ مِن صَفيحِ القُفِّ كَذّانِ

7. It swims across the water of fox cubs so it left them behind
And its watering place was the water of Hauran

٧. يَنتابُ ماءَ قُطَيّاتٍ فَأَخلَفَهُ
وَكانَ مَورِدُهُ ماءً بِحَورانِ

8. The daughters of water rest in it shaded
As if their eyes were little horses

٨. تَظَلُّ فيهِ بَناتُ الماءِ أَنجِيَةً
كَأَنَّ أَعيُنَها أَشباهُ خيلانِ

9. So it did not neglect but waded into its depths
Quenching thirst with sweet undiluted water

٩. فَلَم يَهُلهُ وَلَكِن خاضَ غَمرَتَهُ
يَشفي الغَليلَ بِعَذبٍ غَيرِ مِدّانِ

10. Woe to the mother of a people whose chiefs we saw yesterday
Afflicted with misfortunes that pained the best of neighbors

١٠. وَيلُ أُمِّ قَومٍ رَأَينا أَمسِ سادَتَهُم
في حادِثاتٍ أَلَمَّت خَيرَ جيرانِ

11. They pasture absently, and if they fall short clearly
Generous men show sympathy for what the offender did

١١. يَرعَينَ غِبّاً وَإِن يَقصُرنَ ظاهِرَةً
يَعطِف كِرامٌ عَلى ما أَحدَثَ الجاني

12. And the two plowers raced ahead
To their goals, pardoned just as the two racers did

١٢. وَالحارِثانِ إِلى غاياتِهِم سَبَقاً
عَفواً كَما أَحرَزَ السَبقَ الجَوادانِ

13. And the two givers seeking praise, their money
Is not worth praise, which can only be bought at a sinful price

١٣. وَالمُعطِيانِ اِبتِغاءَ الحَمدِ مالَهُما
وَالحَمدُ لا يُشتَرى إِلّا بِأَثمانِ