1. We were amazed, and wonders abound,
At the nonsense spewed by al-Rayhani,
١. وَلَقَد عَجِبنا وَالعَجائِبُ جَمَّةٌ
مِن فِريَةٍ جاءَت عَنِ الرَّيحانِي
2. The ignorant claimed that veiling women,
Is blameworthy and deficient.
٢. زَعَمَ الجَهُوُلُ بأَنَّ إِخفاءَ النِّسا
مِن مُوجِباتِ الذَّمِّ وَالنُّقصانِ
3. So I say to the one who peddles,
These devilish fairytales:
٣. فَإِذاً أَقُولُ مُخاطِباً هَذا الَّذي
يَروِي خُرافاتٍ عَنِ الشَّيطانِ
4. I protect the Verses of the Book and its decree,
From responding to the tyrants.
٤. وَأصُونُ آياتِ الكِتابِ وَقَدرَها
مِن أَن أُجِيبَ بِها ذَوِي الطُّغيانِ
5. But with reason inspired by primal nature,
Illuminated by Sacred Law and proof:
٥. لَكِن بِمَعقُول أَتَى عَن فِطرَةٍ
قَد نُوِّرَت بِالشَّرعِ وَالبُرهانِ
6. Women are repositories for precious deposits-
Embryos that become the most noble of creatures.
٦. إِنَّ النِّساءَ مَواضِعٌ لِوَدائِعٍ
نُطَفٍ تَكُونُ لأَشرَفِ الأَكوانِ
7. So when they mingle with those they desire,
The human connection is lost to them.
٧. فَإِذا بَرَزنَ وَخالَطَت مَن تَشتَهِي
ضَاعَت لَدَيها نِسبَةُ الإِنسانِ
8. Understand the wisdom of excellent workmanship,
Not your ignorant, tempting talk.
٨. فَافهَم لِحِكمَةِ مُحسِنٍ صُنعَ الوَرَى
لا ما تَقُولُ بِجَهلِكَ الفَتّانِ
9. And listen to a parable and take heed, perhaps
The parable may show the wonders of nobility:
٩. وَاسمَع مِثالاً واعتَبِر فَلَرُبَّما
أَبدَى المِثالُ غَرائِبَ الإِحسانِ
10. If you entrust a jewel to a purse,
Would you not seal it away from strangers?
١٠. نُلفيكَ إِن أَودَعتَ حَصبا لُؤلؤاً
تَختِم عَلَيها خِيفَةً مِن جانِ
11. Is not every precious one veiled amongst her folk,
While your trivial nobodies go about naked?
١١. أَتُضاعُ كُلُّ كَريمَةٍ في قَومِها
وَيُصانُ ذَيَّاكَ الحَقِيرُ الداني
12. How similar is your ignorance to your nature,
And your nature and learning are equal.
١٢. ما كانَ أَشبَهَ جَهلَكُم بِطِباعِكُم
وَطِباعُكُم وَعُلُومُكُم سِيّانِ
13. You are bats and vampires upon,
The fragrance of goodness or brightness of fire.
١٣. أَنتُم خَفافِيشٌ وَجُعلانٌ عَلَى
طِيبِ الرَّوائحِ أَو سَنا النِّيرانِ
14. For your path and life is but darkness,
Flourishing upon filth and stench.
١٤. فَعَلى الظَّلامِ مَسِيرُكُم وَحَياتُكُم
تَنمُو عَلَى الأَقذارِ والأَنتانِ