1. Praise be to Allah, the Wise, the Bestower
Who ordains the clouds and the pollination
١. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ الحَكيمِ المانِح
مُصَرِّف السّحابِ وَاللَّواقِح
2. He ordained them for the best purposes
So that He may bless (us) with benefits
٢. صَرفها بِأَحسَن المَقاصِد
مِن أَجلِ أَن يمن بِالفَوائِد
3. While people are between grateful and ungrateful
And all are needy of the One
٣. وَالناسُ بَينَ شاكِر وَجاحِد
وَكُلّهم مُفتَقِر للواحِد
4. Then prayer and eternal peace
Upon the master with perfected virtues
٤. ثم الصَّلاة مَع سَلام دائِم
لسَيد تَمَّت بِهِ المَكارِم
5. With concise words of deep meanings
Of differing styles yet well composed
٥. أبدِي مَعان بِجَوامِع الكَلِم
مُختَلِفات وَحلاها مُنتَظِم
6. His messenger to all mankind
And his family, people of guidance and insight
٦. رَسوله إِلى جَميعِ الناسِ
وآله أَهل النَّدي وَالباس
7. And his companions, our virtuous leaders
The migrants and supporters
٧. وَصَحبُه ساداتنا الأَبرار
هُم المُهاجِرونَ وَالأنصار
8. And after, when the poem was singular
In its art, facilitated in its meter
٨. وَبعد لَما كانَت العزيه
مفردَة في فَنِّها سنيَّه
9. It is well-suited for versification
Being of the Madani style, easily adaptable
٩. فَهيَ إِلى التَّصريفِ نعم الموصلَه
مَدنية لِبُعدِه مسهلَه
10. And the brothers in Al-Ahsa
Were careful regarding its preservation
١٠. وكانَت الإخوان بِالأحساءِ
بِشَأنِ حِفظِها ذوي اعتِناء
11. They versified it because memorizing poetry
Most often exceeds memorizing prose
١١. نَظَمتها لأن حِفظَ الشِّعر
يَفوقُ في الغالِب حِفظ النَّثر
12. And make like a bashful red-faced one
Out of shyness until it shows its necklace
١٢. وافعَلَّ كاحمرَّ احمراراً خدها
من خجل حتى تبدي عقدها
13. This is what I promised to versify
In a skill of prosody that the perceptive may benefit from
١٣. هَذي الذي وعدت أني أنظمه
في فَن صَرف واللَّبيب يغنمه
14. It was completed by the grace of our Refined Lord
Upon the tongue of His weak servant
١٤. تَم بِعَونِ رَبِّنا اللَّطيف
عَلَى لِسان عَبده الضَّعيف
15. Who seeks refuge in Him for his sins
Abdulaziz Al-Qurashi Al-Ulji
١٥. مَن مِن ذُنوبه إلَيه يلتَجي
عَبد العَزيزِ القرشِي العلجِي
16. I named it Smiles of Melodies
Drawing near the Zinjani poem
١٦. سَمَيته مباسِم الغَواني
مقرباً عزية الزّنجاني
17. In fourteen hundred
And forty four it was completed
١٧. عَن أَربع مِن المِئاتِ يَنجَلي
وعشرة وأَربَعينَ كمل
18. Then the prayer of Allah and His peace
Where the lightening's glow does not enter its clouds
١٨. ثُم صَلاة اللَّهِ مَع سَلامه
ما لاحَ ضَوءُ البَرقِ في غَمامِه
19. Upon the Prophet, the seal of prophets
Muhammad, master of Arabs and non-Arabs
١٩. عَلَى نَبِي لِلنَّبِيينَ ختم
مُحَمَّد سَيِّد عرب وعَجَم
20. Enlightening the universe with the lights of guidance
And the companion on the Day of the Call
٢٠. منور الكَونِ بِأَنوارِ الهُدى
وَصاحِب المقام في يَوم الندا
21. And his noble family and companions
Whose praise he relates in His Book
٢١. وَآله الكِرام مَع أصحابِه
من مَدحِهم نَتلوه في كِتابِه
22. And it came in the Torah and the Gospel
Their veneration from our Majestic Lord
٢٢. وَجاءَ في التَّوراةِ والإِنجيل
تَبجيلهم عَن رَبِّنا الجَليل