
The Arabs have lied in denying the sky

كذبت أربا حين أنكرت السما

1. The Arabs have lied in denying the sky
Their revealer to their blind hearts

١. كَذَبَت أُرُبّا حِينَ أَنكَرَتِ السَّما
كشَّافُها لِقُلُوبِها ذاتِ العَمى

2. Indeed the sky in its subtlety is like a bottle
Hidden to the servant, so try and you will know

٢. إِنَّ السَّماءَ لِلُطفِها كَزُجاجَةٍ
تَخفَى لَدَى الجارِي فَجرِّب تَعلَما

3. And read to be guided the verse of the palace which
Solomon built upon a whale and what

٣. واقرَأ لِتُهدى آيَةَ الصَّرحِ الَّذي
سَوَّى سُلَيمانٌ عَلى حُوتٍ وَما

4. And look to the palace, it disappeared despite its nearness
So how can it not be hidden from a distance, O sky

٤. وَانظُر إِلى الصَّرحِ اختَفَى مَعَ قُربِهِ
فكَيفَ لا تَخفَى عَلى بُعدٍ سَما

5. But the dust of the air hides its subtlety
Thus we see it firmly established

٥. لَكِن غُبارُ الجَوِّ يُخفِي لُطفَها
فَلِذا أُرِيناها إِراءً مُحكَما

6. And know when this is surrendered to them
They have undermined religion, how greatly

٦. وَاعلَم إِذا قَد سُلِّمَت هَذِي لَهُم
فالدِّينُ قَد جَثُّوهُ جَثّاً مُعظَما

7. And look and examine after they have distorted
The verses of the Book obstinately and arrogantly

٧. وَانظُر وَراجِع بَعدَما قَد حَرَّفُوا
آيَ الكِتابِ تَعَنُّتاً وَتَعَظُّما

8. Rather, they denied the noble messengers and insulted
The best of creations, Muhammad—how tremendous

٨. بَل كَذَّبُوا الرُّسلَ الكِرامَ وَجَهَّلُوا
خَيرَ الأَنامِ مُحَمَّداً ما أَعظَما

9. Would any one of them be called upon these crimes
In Islamic law a Muslim?

٩. هَل كانَ يُدعى واحِدٌ مِنهُم عَلَى
هَذِي الجَرائِمِ في الشَّريعَةِ مُسلِما

10. Damned is this deceitful sect
Who have bewitched a foolish, believing Muslim

١٠. سُحقاً لَها مِن فِرقَة خَدَّاعَةٍ
سَحَرُوا غَبِيّاً مُؤمِناً مُستَسلِما

11. Don't respect the trappings they have deceived with
Their violation of Islamic law was even greater

١١. مَه لا تُعَظِّم زُخرُفاً خَدَعُوا بِهِ
قَد كانَ نَقضُهُمُ الشَّريعَةَ أَعظَما

12. They sold the Shariah to the enemies for worldly gain
And replaced it with shame and sin

١٢. باعُوا الشَّريعَةَ لِلأَعادِي بِالدُّنا
وَاستَبدَلُوا عاراً بِها والمَأثَمَا

13. Struggle against them if you are a believing servant
Defending the Shariah is obligatory

١٣. جاهِدهُمُ إِن كُنتَ عَبداً مُؤمِناً
إِنَّ الدِّفاعَ عَنِ الشَّريعَةِ حُتِّما