
O descendant of the exemplary clan of Bakr

أيا نجل الأماثل آل بكر

1. O descendant of the exemplary clan of Bakr
Who attained glory without any disgrace

١. أَيا نَجلَ الأَماثِلِ آلِ بَكرٍ
وَمَن نالَ الفَخارَ بِغَيرِ نُكرِ

2. Master diverse sciences, for every merit
Has been gathered in both land and sea by knowledge

٢. تَفَنَّنَ في العُلُومِ فكلُّ فَضلٍ
حَواهُ العلمُ في بَرٍّ وَبحرِ

3. Do not ever tire or seek a substitute
And meet it with affirmation and contemplation

٣. ولا تَسأم وَلا تطلُب سِواهُ
وقابِلهُ بِتَقريرٍ وفِكرِ

4. And avoid an ignorant one who evades it
Out of fear of poverty through various means

٤. وجانِب جاهِلاً عنهُ تَلاهى
بِأَنواعِ المَكاسِبِ خَوفَ فَقرِ

5. Indeed, my God has preordained rizq (sustenance)
Thus, causes are but covers for the secret

٥. فَإِنَّ الرِّزقَ قَدَّرَهُ إِلَهي
فَللأسبابُ تَغطِيةٌ لِسِرِّ

6. If we look at the means for righteousness
To attain livelihood or avert harm

٦. فإِن نَنظُر لأسبابِ البَرايا
لِجَلبِ مَعيشَةٍ أَو دَفعِ ضُرِّ

7. We find that knowledge is the strongest to avert
And the most endowed with ease and honor

٧. وَجَدنا العلمَ أَقواها لِدَفع
وَأَحظاها بِمَكرُمَةٍ وَيُسرِ

8. For the angels had prostrated when Adam excelled
Over them through knowledge, so remember

٨. فَقَد سَجَدَ المَلائِكُ حينَ أَربَى
عَليهِم آدمٌ بالعِلمِ فادرِ

9. And how many people attained honor through knowledge
And how many became wealthy after hardship through it

٩. وَكَم بالعلمِ نالَ العِزَّ قَومٌ
وَكَم بِالعِلمِ أَثرَى بَعدَ عُسرِ

10. I mean the knowledge of Allah's Law for us
And not the temporal knowledge of an era

١٠. وَأَعنِي عِلمَ شَرعِ اللَّهِ فينا
وَلا أَعنِي بهِ عِلماً لِعَصرِ

11. For learning the knowledge of the times is ignorance
Suiting every misguided and atheistic person

١١. فإِنَّ تَعَلُّمَ العَصرِيِّ جَهلٌ
يُوافِقُ كُلَّ مَفتُونٍ وَدَهرِي

12. So do not seek the life of this world through Allah's knowledge
For in this is disgrace and all loss

١٢. فَلا تَطلُب بِعِلمِ اللَّهِ دُنيا
فَفِي هَذا الهَوانُ وكلُّ خُسرِ

13. As for your worldly life, which you inevitably need
Seek it through the best that you see striving for a wage

١٣. وَدُنياكَ الَّتِي لا بُدَّ نُطها
بِأمثَل مَن تَرى يَسعَى بأَجرِ

14. And do not grieve over what has passed from it
For you have been compensated with the finest

١٤. ولا تَحزَن عَلى ما فاتَ مِنها
وَقَد عُوِّضتَ عَنها بِالأَبَرِّ

15. What has passed did not vanish, but
You will see it on the Day of Spreading

١٥. وَما قَد فاتَ لَم يَذهَب وَلَكن
تَراهُ في الصَّحيفَةِ يَومَ نَشرِ

16. And if you pardon, pardoning is better
And the best of people is one of pardon and patience

١٦. وَإِن تَعفُ فَإِنَّ العَفوَ خَيرٌ
وَخَيرُ الناسِ ذُو عَفوٍ وَصَبرِ

17. And if you are forced into a situation for something
Then ask the Most Powerful and Most Merciful of the righteous

١٧. وَإِن تُضطَرَّ في حالٍ لِشَيء
فَسَل أَقوَى وَأَرحَمَ كُلِّ بَرِّ

18. One near to you, if you call upon Him, He will hasten
To Him belongs the design in creation and command

١٨. قَريبٌ مِنكَ إِن تَدعُوهُ يَسرِي
لَهُ التَّصريفُ في خَلقٍ وَأَمرِ

19. And think good of Allah, the Most Kind
You will find Him as such for every kindness

١٩. وَحَسِّن بِالإِلَهِ البَرِّ ظَنّاً
تَجِدهُ عِندَ ذاكَ لِكُلِّ برِّ

20. And revere His command in every situation
You will be revered among people with all might

٢٠. وَعظِّم أَمرَهُ في كُلِّ حالٍ
تُعَظَّم في الأَنامِ بِكلِّ قَدرِ

21. And bring yourself close to Him in this world
With character that every devout scholar sees

٢١. وَقَرِّب نَفسَكَ الدُّنيا إِلَيهِ
بأَخلاقٍ يَراها كُلُّ حَبرِ

22. You see it in the Book being recited to you
So realize it and observe it closely

٢٢. تَراها في الكِتابِ عَلَيكَ تُتلَى
فَحَقِّقهَا وَراقِبها بِحَصرِ

23. And struggle against your self regarding it
To be endowed with perfection and good reputation

٢٣. وجاهِد نَفسَكَ الدُّنيا عَلَيها
لِتَحظَى بِالكَمالِ وَطِيبِ ذِكرِ

24. And avoid superfluities and all nonsense
For in this is the waste of every freeman

٢٤. وَجانِب لِلفُضُولِ وَكُلِّ لَغوٍ
فَفِي هَذا إِضاعَةُ كُلِّ حُرِّ

25. And give the neighbor and relatives their rights
Which Allah has decreed in the verses of the Reminder

٢٥. وَأَعطِ الجارَ وَالقُربَى حُقوقاً
قَضاها اللَّه في آياتِ ذِكرِ

26. And purify the self from envy and transgression
And meet people with kindness and glad tidings

٢٦. وَصَفِّ النَّفسَ مِن حَسَدٍ وَبَغيٍ
ولاقِ الناسَ في لُطف وَبِشرِ

27. And enjoin good and do not care
And forbid evil and disrepute

٢٧. وبِالمَعرُوفِ فأمُر لا تُبالِ
وَقُم بِالنَّهيِ عَن فُحشٍ وَنُكرِ

28. That is an advice which has come to you
Called for by my love for you, O clan of Bakr

٢٨. وَتِلكَ نَصِيحَةٌ جاءَت إِلَيكُم
دَعاها حُبُّكُم يا آلَ بَكرِ

29. For you are comfort to the eye as long as you remain
On the path of righteousness, in every era

٢٩. فأنتُم قُرَّةٌ لِلعَينِ دُمتُم
عَلى نَهجِ الرَّشادِ بِكُلِّ عَصرِ