
The scent of musk is exhaled from her

قد فاح منها أريج المسك للناشق

1. The scent of musk is exhaled from her
And her eye has shot an arrow at us, a piercer

١. قَد فاحَ مِنها أَريجُ المِسكِ لِلناشِق
وَفوَّقَت عَينُها سَهماً لَنا راشِق

2. Oh, woe to a loved one whose meeting place is far, a lover
As if his heart is in the claw of an eagle

٢. يا وَيحَ صَبٍّ بعيدِ المُلتَقى عاشِق
كَأَنّما قَلبُه في مِخلَبِ الباشِق