
When man grew arrogant, his Lord unleashed upon him

ولما طغى الإنسان سلط ربه

1. When man grew arrogant, his Lord unleashed upon him
From within himself, his solitary member

١. وَلَمّا طَغى الإِنسانُ سَلَّطَ رَبُّهُ
عَلى نَفسِهِ مِن نَفسِهِ عُضوَهُ الفَردا

2. So he was left humiliated and impoverished, with fledglings
Small, famished creatures tormenting him severely

٢. فَأَعقَبَهُ ذُلاً وَفَقراً وَأَفرُخاً
صِغاراً ذَوي جُوعٍ يكدُّونَهُ كَدّا

3. Thus the desire from which he originated
Led to the birth of these two disgraceful outcomes

٣. فَأَقبِح بِها مِن شَهوَةٍ كانَ أَصلُها
مُقَدِّمَة الإِستَينِ أَنتَجَتا وُلدا