1. A glance came by chance
And caused me illness
١. نَظرَةٌ أَتَت عَرَضا
أَورثَتنيَ المَرَضا
2. My look upon a moon
Whose love decreed upon me
٢. ناظِري إِلى قَمَرٍ
بِالهَوى عَليَّ قَضى
3. Since he shot his arrows
My heart was the chance
٣. مُذ رَمى بِأَسهُمِهِ
كانَ قَلبي العَرَضا
4. A line on sand dunes
Above which years have passed
٤. خوطةٌ عَلى كُثُبٍ
فَوقَها السَنا وَمَضا
5. A smile wherein is sweetness
Healing whoever was sick
٥. مَبسم بِهِ شَهدٌ
شافياً لِمَن مَرِضا
6. His mouth and his essence
We found no flaw
٦. ثَغرُهُ وَجَوهَرُهُ
لَم نَجِد بِهِ عَرَضا
7. If we toss it away as replacement
We'll find naught its equal
٧. إِن نَرُم بِهِ بَدَلاً
لَم نُصِب لَهُ عِوَضا
8. While it takes us on
It shook us and left
٨. بَينَما يواصِلنا
إِذ هَزا بِنا وَمَضى
9. Leaving burning embers
In the bushes, fresh coals
٩. تارِكاً سَنا لَهَبٍ
في الحَشا وَجَمر غَضا