1. I sought good omens in her, her light being the sun
It illuminated the gloom of days, so confusion departed
١. تَيَمَّن بِها مِن غُرَّةٍ نورُها الشَمسُ
أَنارَت دجى الأَيامِ فارتفَعَ اللَبس
2. And I bandaged with a singer from Dawlat al-Nasiriyyah
Good fortune, victory and intimacy enveloped her
٢. وَأَلمِم بمُغني دَولَةٍ ناصِرِيَّةٍ
تَكنَّفَها الاقبالُ وَالنَصرُ وَالأُنسُ
3. The best leader undertook her administration
Abundant in caution, his traits being generosity and valor
٣. تَولّى لَها التَدبيرَ أَروَعُ ماجدٌ
كَثيرُ التَوقّي شَأنُهُ الجودُ وَالبَأسُ
4. And whoever is Sword of the Faith, his deputy
While the eyelids of time sleep from his kingdom, drowsy
٤. وَمَن يَكُ سَيفُ الدينِ نائِبَ مُلكِهِ
يَنَم وَجُفونُ الدَهرِ عَن مُلكِهِ نُعسُ
5. A wise commander, with fury and politics
In his loftiness, softness and hardness intermingled
٥. أَميرٌ خَبيرٌ ذو وَغىً وَسِياسَةٍ
تَغايرَ في عَليائِهِ الطَرف وَالطِرسُ
6. As though the creation is a body, its cure being through you
And your governance of it being the soul and breath
٦. كَأَنَّ الوَرى جِسمٌ لَدَيكَ شِفاؤُهُ
وَأَمرُكَ في تَدبيرِهِ الروحُ وَالنَفسُ
7. To him belonged all honorable deeds and they ended
So through his person his breed and genus pride themselves
٧. إِلَيهِ اِنتَمَت كُلُّ المَكارِمِ وَاِنتَهَت
فَبِالشَخصِ مِنهُ يَفخَرُ النَوعُ وَالجِنسُ
8. Deadly to souls if they disobey, beneficial to them
If they obey, so he either wounds or repairs
٨. مُميت نُفوسٍ إِن عَصَت وَمُفيدُها
إِذا ما أَطاعَت فَهوَ يجرح أَو يَأسُو
9. Every describer falls short of grasping him
Even if he strains and his helper tugged
٩. يقَصِّرُ عَن إِدراكِهِ كُلُّ واصفٍ
وَلَو أَنَّهُ بَكرٌ وَساعدهُ قَسُّ