1. Abu Hamid is praised by people for his virtue
For the knowledge he attained that shows his wisdom
١. أَبو حامِدٍ حَتمٌ عَلى الناسِ حَمدُهُ
لما حازَ مِن علمٍ بِهِ بانَ رُشدُهُ
2. Seeker of sciences since his early days
His fortune shines on the horizon of knowledge
٢. غَذِيُّ عُلومٍ لَم يَزَل مُنذُ نَشئِهِ
يَلوحُ عَلى أُفقِ المَعارفِ سَعدُهُ
3. Brilliant, as if his mind was forged by fire
With intelligence and sunlight is his wick
٣. ذَكيٌّ كَأن قَد جاحَمَ النارَ ذِهنُهُ
ذَكاءً وَمِن شَمس الظَهيرةِ وَقدُه
4. He who attained merits in his adulthood
His opposite feasted on foolishness and ignorance
٤. وَمَن حازَ في سِنِّ البُلوغِ فَضائِلاً
زَمانَ اِغتَذى بِالعِيِّ وَالجَهلِ ضِدُّه