
My tears flow like clouds

ما لدمعي ساجما كالغمام

1. My tears flow like clouds,
My body wastes away in sickness.

١. ما لِدَمعي ساجِماً كَالغَمام
وَلجسمي ناحِلاً بالسقام

2. An arrow's glance from a fawn struck me,
So my heart bleeds ceaselessly.

٢. صابَني مِن شادِنٍ سَهم لَحظٍ
فَفُؤادي دائمُ القَرحِ دام

3. My friend blames me for my love,
But I do not heed his reproach.

٣. وَصَديقي لائِمي في هَواهُ
لَستُ فيهِ سامِعاً للملام

4. Death said: soon for the lover!
I said: I long for the bathroom.

٤. قالَ مَوتٌ عاجِلٌ لِمُحِبٍّ
قُلتُ إِنّي راغِبٌ في الحِمام

5. I said: Oh companion of passion sweetly enjoyed
Is the passion with lovesickness.

٥. قُلتُ يا صاحِ الهَوى مُستلذٌ
لذَّ فيهِ مَع غرام

6. My reason was tempted by a moon-faced beauty,
A full moon that outshone completeness.

٦. غَرَّ حِلمي ناهِدٌ ذاتُ وَجهٍ
قَمريٍّ غَرَّ بَدرَ التَمام

7. I was entranced by a charming and lovely one,
A sorceress who enchants people.

٧. وَسَباني فاتنٌ فاتِكٌ بِي
ساحِرٌ لي ساخِرٌ بِالأَنام

8. I was struck by one with fading glances,
Fearful despite his boldness and determination.

٨. وَرَماني ذابلُ اللحظِ ساجٍ
مَع سَطاهُ خائِفٌ كُلّ رامِ