
If I want the apparent meaning from a word

اللفظ إن أريد منه الظاهر

1. If I want the apparent meaning from a word
Its metaphorical meaning is different

١. اللَفظ إِن أريدَ مِنهُ الظاهِرُ
حَقيقة مجازُه مغاير

2. There must be a relationship that is
Between them, bringing together or separating

٢. لا بُدّ مِن عَلاقةٍ تَكون
بَينَهما تقرب أَو تَبين

3. For example, some Bedouins said
The grains are in the heads of the stalks

٣. مثالُه مقال بعض العُربان
صارَ الثَريدُ في رُؤوس العيدان

4. He meant by "grains" kernels of wheat
He named it by that which it leads to

٤. أَرادَ بِالثَريدِ حَبَّ السُنبُلَه
سَماه بِالشَيءِ الَّذي يَؤولُ لَه

5. And in general they made its basis
Metonymy, metaphor, personification

٥. وَفي الأَعمِّ جعلوا مَدارَه
كِنايةً تَمثيلاً اِستعارَه

6. Metonymy is to affirm a meaning for what
Is necessarily related to it

٦. كِناية أَن تثبت المَعنى لَما
يَكونُ عَن وجوهِهِ قَد لزما

7. As they say, "India tires its litter-bearer"
Similar to, "What comforts the forearms comforts the burdens they carry"

٧. كَقولهم يتعبُ هنداً رِدفُها
كَمثل ما يريح دَعداً عِطفُهما

8. "That one has abundant ashes in his cooking-pot"
"And that one, his sword is long"

٨. وَذا رَمادُ قَدره جَليلُ
وَذا نجادُ سيفِهِ طَويل

9. Indicating generosity and tall stature
Both are signs of this and that

٩. دَلا عَلى الجودِ وَطولِ القامه
كِلاهُما لذا وَذا علامه

10. And sometimes what is intended
Is attributed to an inclusive term

١٠. وَرُبما يُنسَبُ ما يرادُ
لشاملٍ لِمَن لَهُ المراد

11. Such as, "Daintiness of beauty is in her cloak"
And, "How splendid are the apples in her cheeks"

١١. نَحوَ رقاشُ الحُسن في بُردَيها
وَحَبَّذا التُفاحُ في خَدّيها

12. And grammar and lexicography are for Sibawayh
In a dome erected over him

١٢. وَالنَحوُ وَاللُغى لسيبويه
في قُبةٍ مَضروبةٍ عَلَيه

13. His metaphor is like, "Indeed, Bashar
Puts ahead one man, and delays another"

١٣. تَمثيله كَنحو إِنّ بشرا
مُقَدِّمٌ رجلاً مُؤخر أُخرى

14. When his action is hesitation
In doing it or leaving it as it appears

١٤. إِذا يَكونُ فعلُه تردُّدا
في فعلهِ أَو تَركه ما قَد بَدا

15. And like, "Abu al-Manaqib did not budge
Storming its peak while the sun set"

١٥. وَنَحو لَم يَبرح أَبو المَناقِب
يفتل في ذروته والغارب

16. When what was formidable becomes easy
So that he gets from it what he sought

١٦. إِذا غَدا مُستسهلاً ما استصعبا
كَيما يَنال مِنه ما قَد طَلَبا

17. And makes you an object of comparison expression
About the metaphor, that comparison

١٧. وَجَعلك اسم مُشبِه عباره
عَن مشبه ذَلِكَ الاستعاره

18. On condition that the tool of similarity is lost
And makes the thing for a thing not for it

١٨. بِشَرط فقدانِ أَداةٍ للشَّبه
وَجَعلك الشَيء لشيء لَيسَ لَه

19. Like, "The darkness erased the lines of dawn by the palm of morning"
And "The saliva of dew flowed on the stubbles"

١٩. نَحو محت خُطا الدُجى كَف الصَباح
وَقَد جَرى ريق النَدى عَلى الأَقاح