
I fell in love with him an old man, as if his grey hair

تعشقته شيخا كأن مشيبه

1. I fell in love with him an old man, as if his grey hair
Were jasmine upon his cheeks, upon a rose

١. تعشقتُه شَيخاً كَأنَّ مَشيبَه
عَلى وَجنَتيهِ ياسمين عَلى وَردِ

2. O rational brother, he knows what is implied by prohibition
I secured him from any watcher and rival

٢. أَخا العَقلِ يَدري ما يراد مِن النهى
أَمنتُ عَلَيهِ مِن رَقيبٍ وَمِن ضدِّ

3. And they said people in the legislation of love are two kinds
Black bearded men, and people with hair gone white

٣. وَقالوا الوَرى قسمان في شرعة الهَوى
لسود اللحى ناسٌ وَناسٌ إِلى المُردِ

4. Lo! Had I been giving preference for white-haired
I would have inclined towards a smooth-cheeked maiden

٤. أَلا إِنَّني لَو كُنتُ أَصبو لأمردٍ
صَبَوت إِلى هَيفاءَ مائِسَةِ القَدِّ

5. And I saw the black beards sharing with me
So I wished to remain with their white-haired alone

٥. وَسود اللحى أَبصَرت فيهم مُشارِكاً
فَأَحبَبتُ أَن أَبقى بِأَبيضهم وَحدي