
With a heart full of love that knows no bitterness

وبالقلب ريم لا يريم وداده

1. With a heart full of love that knows no bitterness
Though we lived apart till life's last stir

١. وَبِالقَلبِ ريمٌ لا يَريمُ وِدادُهُ
وَلَو أَنَّهُ ما عِشتُ يَجفو وَيَهجُرُ

2. Meet him with trust, the full moon rises bright
Fight him in war, the tired lion sleeps at night

٢. مِن التُركِ إِن قابَلتَ فَالبَدرُ طالِعٌ
لِنِصفٍ وَإِن قاتَلتَ فَاللَيثُ مخدَرُ

3. His form in harmony with all mankind
A branch is he, but with nobility bears fruit

٣. تناسَبَ مِنهُ الخَلقُ أَمّا قِوامُهُ
فَغُصنٌ وَلَكن بِالأَهِلَّةِ يُثمِرُ

4. He opens his generosity unto me
Yet the samhariya's spears are curved inward

٤. وَيُشرِعُ لي مِن قَدِّهِ سَمهَرِيَّةً
وَلَكن سِنانُ السَمهَرِيَّةِ أَحوَرُ