1. When he insisted on tormenting me cruelly,
I prayed he'd be afflicted with love's agony,
١. وَلَما أَبى إِلا جَفاءً مُعذِّبي
دَعوتُ لَهُ أَن يُبتَلى بِهِيامِ
2. And my prayer was answered instantly by God;
Now he's in anguish and passion's gravity,
٢. وَكانَ دُعائي اللَهَ وَقتَ إِجابَةٍ
فَها هُوَ ذا في لَوعَةٍ وَغَرامِ
3. Tasting from separation what he made me taste,
His body sickening just like my malady,
٣. يَذوقُ مِن الهِجرانِ ما قَد أَذاقَني
وَيَسقَمُ مِنهُ الجسمُ مِثلَ سَقامي
4. Once sparing of union, his love now
Has grown sparing even of dreams of me,
٤. وَكانَ بَخيلاً بِالوِصالِ فَحُبُّهُ
غَدا باخِلاً حَتّى بِطَيفِ مَنامِ
5. I left him pining, and another has pined
For another, raving for one in full bloom,
٥. وَعُلِّقتهُ رِيماً وَعُلِّقَ آخَرا
هَوى آخَراً يَهذِي بِبَدرِ تمامِ
6. And another her love has pined for another,
Who's raved for yet one more in revel and gloom,
٦. وَعلّقَ أُخرى حَبَّها آخَرٌ هَوى
أُخيرى غَدَت تَهذِي بآخرَ رامِ
7. Oh, what an interlinked chain of love we are,
Allies of sorrow, my tears flowing as I pine,
٧. فَيا لَكَ مِن حُبٍّ تَسَلسَلَ كُلُّنا
حَليفُ أَسىً هامِي المَدامِعِ دامِ
8. We dwelt in love's cave, boon companions for years,
I by the door, with the worst place to pine,
٨. أَقَمنا بِكَهفِ الحُبِّ عِدَّةُ صُحبَةٍ
وَأَوَّلُنا بِالبابِ شَرُ مُقامِ
9. The breaths of lovers rise up to it in passion,
Remaining in painful, ceaseless pant and pine,
٩. تصَعّدُ أَنفاسُ المُحبين في الهَوى
إِلَيهِ فَيَبقى في أَليمِ أوامِ
10. Would that we gathered to speak of love's agony,
Or gain solace, conversing line after line,
١٠. فَيا لَيتَ أَنّا قَد جُمِعنا فَنَشتَكي
اليمَ الهَوى أَو نَشتَفي بِكَلامِ
11. Enough union for us to talk together,
Even if just to exchange greetings benign!
١١. كَفانا وِصالاً أَن يُكَلِّمَ بَعضُنا
لِبَعضٍ وَلَو كَلما برجعِ سَلامِ