
I have composed rhymes

ولقد بعثت من الكلام قوافيا

1. I have composed rhymes
That contain lawful magic's wondrous treasures

١. وَلَقد بَعَثتُ مِن الكَلامِ قَوافياً
تَحوِي مِن السحرِ الحلالِ بَدائِعا

2. It called out to eloquence its difficult parts
So it was answered readily by eloquence obedient

٢. نادَت عَصِيّاً لِلمَقالَةِ صَعبَها
فَأَجابَها سَهلُ المَقادَةِ طائِعا

3. Responded to by those who memorize it
So that reciter and listener are moved

٣. جَوابَةً يَعنى الرُواةُ بِحفظِها
فَتهزُّ ذا إِنشادِها وَالسامِعا

4. And the listener desires the pleasure of hearing it
Out of jealousy, wishing he were created all ears

٤. وَتَوَدُّ الحاظٌ للذَّةِ سَمعِها
مِن غيرَةٍ أَن لَو خُلِقنَ مَسامِعا

5. It echoes through the lands, so that both
What is near and what is far can hear it

٥. نَقَر البِلادَ فَيَستَوي في سَمعِها
ما كانَ مِنها دانياً أَو شاسِعا