1. Say to the one who insisted on parting from me
That my heart never ceased loving you for an hour
١. قُل لِلَّذي أَهوى عَلى هَجره
لَم يخلُ قَلبي ساعةً مِن هَواك
2. Your beautiful image has been engraved
In my mind's eye - none other but your image
٢. قَد نُقِشَت في مُهجَتي صُورةٌ
صورةُ حُسنٍ مِنك لا مِن سِواك
3. So if my eyelids match my mind's eye
They may find some rest from yearning for you
٣. فَإِن تُوافِق مُقلَتي مُهجَتي
في الرُؤيةِ اِستراحتا مِن نَواك
4. My beloved, why this estrangement, who is this one
Who has taken you away from visiting me?
٤. يا مالِكي ماذا التَنائي وَمَن
هَذا الَّذي عَن زَورَتي قَد لَواك
5. Your absence was caused by a preoccupying affair
I have guessed what has distracted you
٥. زَواكَ عَنّي شُغل شاغِلٌ
وَقَد تَفَطّنتُ لَما قَد زَواك
6. You have busied yourself with the alluring gazelle
Who dwells near you, whose beauty has captivated you
٦. شُغِلتَ بِالظَبي الغريرِ الَّذي
جاوَرتَه فَحُسنُهُ قَد حَواك
7. He has kindled the fire of love in your heart
With a glance, his eyelids revealed his desire for you
٧. أَضرمَ في قَلبِك نارَ الهَوى
عَينٌ لَهُ لخصاءُ أَبدَت جَواك
8. And the sickness of his eyelids has crept
Into you, a sickness from which your cure has fled
٨. وَقَد سَرى مِن سُقمِ أَجفانِهِ
إِلَيكَ سُقمٌ عَزَّ مِنهُ دَواك
9. The fire of love has seared my heart because of you
So suffer, by it, a fire by which it has seared you
٩. وَقَد كَوَت قَلبي نارُ الهَوى
مِنكَ فَذُق ناراً بِها قَد كَواك
10. O permanence of separation, can you not
Quench your morning thirst by sending him to me
١٠. يا دائمَ الهَجرِ أَلا عَلِّلَن
صَبّاً بِأن تَهدي إلَيهِ سِواك
11. I hope to see you again, so complete your love
And be, for me, continuous in your love
١١. عودَ أَراكٍ وَهوَ فَألٌ بأن
أَراكَ لي مواصلاً في هَواك
12. O comfort of the heart away from its love
Go away, for my heart has never desired you
١٢. وَيا سُلُوَّ القَلبِ عَن حُبِّهِ
اذهَب فَقَلبي دَهرهُ ما نَواك
13. And O my heart, do not wander
In love of him until you meet your demise
١٣. وَيا فُؤادي لا تني هائِماً
في حُبِّه حَتّى تُلاقي ثَواك
14. You were tormented by love, and so love
Became your food, so that you do not care for your health
١٤. عُذِّبتَ بِالحُبِّ فَصارَ الهَوى
قُوتَك حَتّى لا تُبالي طَواك
15. And you have folded up love - none but the one
Whose love has folded you up knew it
١٥. وَقَد طَوَيتَ الحبَّ لَم يَدرِهِ
غَيرُ الَّذي في حُبِّهِ قَد طَواك
16. My body, you have become emaciated - so you
Have become a specter; your strength cannot be seen
١٦. طُويتَ يا جسمي نُحولاً فَقَد
صِرتَ خَيالاً لا ترى من ضَواك
17. Do not complain of weakness, for I am a man
Who can make you energetic and strengthen your power
١٧. لا تَشتَكي الضَّعفَ فإِنِّي امرؤٌ
أدريكَ جلداً وشَديداً قُواك
18. And O my talk in the name of my love, do not be
As you were, nor the one whose love has bent you
١٨. وَيا حَديثي باسمِ حُبّي فَلا
كُنتَ وَلا كانَ الَّذي قَد رَواك