
I wished to kiss the beloved, so he came to me

تمنيت تقبيل الحبيب فجاءني

1. I wished to kiss the beloved, so he came to me
And kissed me twice in the dream, gently, tenderly

١. تَمَنَّيتُ تَقبيلَ الحَبيبِ فَجاءَني
وَقَبَّلَني في النَومِ ثِنتَينِ في العَدِّ

2. Oh, how sweet was that kiss to me, and its coolness
Against a burning passion that melts from ecstasy

٢. فَيا طِيبَ ذاكَ اللثمِ عِندي وَبَردَهُ
عَلى كَيدٍ حَرّى تَذوبُ مِن الوَجدِ

3. And I hope to kiss awake, a mouth
Where wine's gray mixes with musk and honey

٣. وَإِني لَأَرجُو أَن أُقبِّلَ يَقظَةً
فَماً فيهِ شِيبَ الخَمر بِالمِسكِ وَالشهدِ

4. To quench a thirst of spirits, its draft
And witness lips like pearls in a necklace

٤. فَيَقضي ظَمآنٌ مِن الراحِ ريَّهُ
وَيَشهَدُ ثَغراً كَاللآليءِ في العِقدِ