1. A creature of strange form in Egypt arising
Found nowhere on earth except in Egypt abiding
١. وَخَلقٍ غَريبِ الشَكلِ في مصرَ ناشيء
وَما هُوَ في أَرضٍ سِوى مِصرَ يُوجَدُ
2. The crocodile common in her Upper Nile
Who lies in wait for any water in the Nile providing
٢. هُوَ السَبُعُ العادي بِنيلِ صَعيدِها
يُقافِصُ مَن للماءِ في النيلِ يقصدُ
3. And snatches them up with a hawk's abrupt violence
Ripping them member from member and swallowing
٣. وَيخطُفُهُ خَطف العُقابِ لِصَيدها
وَيفصلُه عُضواً فَعُضواً وَيزرَدُ
4. Of all the Nile's creatures none but he is found
With hands and feet on land upright and bounding
٤. وَما مِن شُخوصِ النيلِ خَلقٌ لَهُ يَدٌ
وَرجلٌ سواهُ وَهوَ في البَرِ يصعَدُ
5. Oft he is found on land a terror
Darting as swift as a whip or faster yet sounding
٥. وَربَّتَما يَلقى لَدى البر كاسِراً
وَيجري كَمثلِ الطرفِ أَو هُوَ أَزيَدُ
6. With swaying tail long he keeps erect
To entwine any among men he finds astounding
٦. لَهُ ذَنبٌ مُرخىً طَويلٌ يُقيمُهُ
يلُفُّ بِهِ مَن كانَ في الناسِ يفقدُ
7. His teeth are female set in male
To break the sturdy bones their power demanding
٧. وَأَسنانُهُ أُنثى عَلى ذكرٍ أَتَت
لِكَسرِ العِظامِ الصُلبِ مِنها تفقّدُ
8. He digs in the sand and buries his eggs
Leaving them secretly until they are hatching
٨. وَيحفُرُ في رَملٍ وَيدفنُ بيضَهُ
يُعاهِدُها غِباً إِلى حين تولَدُ
9. Swords do him no harm as though
His skin were iron armor fully enfolding
٩. وَلا تَعمَلُ الأَسيافُ فيهِ كَأَنَّما
عَلى جلدِهِ مِنهُ صَفيحٌ مُسرَّدُ
10. But under the armpit lies a soft spot
Whence death creeps up while he lies there reposing
١٠. وَلَكنَّ تَحتَ الإبطِ ليِّنَ جلدةٍ
فَمِنها المَنايا دونَهُ تَتَصَعَّدُ
11. No tail has he to eject his waste
But to his gullet it keeps on forwarding
١١. وَلَيسَ لَهُ دُبرٌ فَيُخرِج نَجوَهُ
وَلَكن إِلى حُلقومِهِ يَتَرَدَّدُ
12. He opens his mouth and in flies a bird
To take what filth in his stomach was goading
١٢. فَيفتَح فاهُ ثُم يَدخُلُ طائِرٌ
فَيلفظ ما قَد كانَ فيهِ يدودُ
13. Would he snap shut the bird meets its doom
As the feathers close off his throat palisading
١٣. فَإِن رامَ إِطباقاً عَليه فَإِنَّه
يَكونُ لسقفِ الحلقِ بِالريشِ يُفصَدُ
14. The hippo kills him though when it spies
Him floundering in the marsh his strength degrading
١٤. وَيقتُلُه الجاموسُ فَهوَ إِذا دَرى
بِهِ فَرَّ مِنهُ وَهوَ في السِبحِ يُجهَدُ
15. Man tricks him and hunts him down
Tying his legs like a goat securely braiding
١٥. وَيَخدَعُهُ الإِنسانُ حَتّى يَصيدَهُ
وَيَربُطُهُ كَالعَنزِ بِالحَبلِ تُصفَدُ
16. We've seen him hauled on a camel's back
His limbs trailing the ground on either side grading
١٦. رَأَيناهُ مَحمولاً عَلى جَمَلٍ وَقَد
أَتَت طرفاهُ الأَرضَ فيها يخددُ
17. The mind has cunning for catching crocodiles
Which thoughtful wit carefully premeditating
١٧. وَللعقلِ في صَيدِ التَماسيحِ صَنعَةٌ
يُرتِّبُها الفكرُ المُصِيبُ فَتُحمَدُ
18. He who has wit has power over creatures all
Each living thing by a vigilant lord created
١٨. وَذو العَقلِ مَقدورٌ عَلَيهِ وَقادِرٌ
عَلى كُلِّ ذي روحٍ رَقيبٌ مُؤيدُ
19. Neither birds in the air nor beasts in the wild
Nor the mountains except to his will relegated
١٩. فَلا الطَيرُ في جَوٍّ وَلا الوَحشُ في الفَلا
وَلا سافِحٌ إِلّا لَهُ مُتَرَدّدُ
20. He subdues them killing and slaughtering
And in the end only man's grave is never waiting
٢٠. فَيقهَرهُ قَتلاً وَذَبحاً وَخدمةً
وَفي آخرٍ ذو العَقلِ في الرَمسِ يُلحَدُ