
A fleeting hour of intimacy I shared,

وساعة أنس قد قطعت قصيرة

1. A fleeting hour of intimacy I shared,
Like a flutter of eyelids or a timid glance of fear,

١. وَساعَةِ أُنسٍ قَد قَطَعتُ قَصيرَةٍ
كَرَجعَةِ طَرفٍ أَو كَنُغبَةِ خائِفِ

2. It brought together a gathering filled with wishes
Of song for one who listens and wine for one who quaffs.

٢. حَوَت مَجلِساً فيهِ المُنى قَد تَجمَّعت
غناءٌ لِذي سَمعٍ وَكَأسٌ لِراشِفِ

3. If an image of beauty appeared to a monk,
It would make him forget all in church and scriptures.

٣. وَصورةُ حُسنٍ لَو تَبَدَّت لِراهِبٍ
لأنستهُ ما في هَيكَلٍ وَمصَاحِفِ

4. A strange kind of beauty, unique in its charm,
Delicate in meaning, encompassing all subtleties.

٤. غَريبةُ حُسنٍ بِدعَةٌ في جَمالها
لَطيفةُ مَعنىً فيهِ كُلُّ اللَطائِفِ

5. I did not know the sun had any flaws,
Until I saw the sun with braided hair.

٥. وَما كُنتُ أَدري أَنَّ للشَمس ضرَّةً
إِلى أَن رَأَيتُ الشَمسَ ذاتَ السَوالِفِ

6. Oh foreign sun of daylight, we
Are content with a sun whose light is not veiled.

٦. أَلا فاغرُبي شَمسَ النَهارِ فَإِننا
غَنينا بِشمسٍ نورُها غَيرُ كاسِفِ

7. And oh moon, how often they likened you to her face,
They were wrong, no dawning is like one in eclipse.

٧. وَيا بدرُ كُم قَد شبَّهوكَ بوجهها
لَقَد غَلِطوا ما مشرقٌ مثلَ خاسِفِ

8. Oh branch, however much you portray her slender figure,
You portray, but where is the heavy fruit.

٨. وَيا غُصنُ كَم تَحكي اِعتِدالَ قَوامِها
حَكيتَ وَلَكن أَينَ ثقلُ الرَوادِفِ