
Indeed, during this Eid, its brightness went away

إن ذا العيد فيه غابت نضار

1. Indeed, during this Eid, its brightness went away
And so did its brother, so my heart has no peace

١. إِنَّ ذا العيدَ فيهِ غابَت نُضارُ
وَأَخوها فَما لِقَلبي قَرارُ

2. My tears flow down my cheeks like pouring rain
And my heart burns with an inner fire

٢. أَدمُعي تَرتَمي عَلى الخَدِّ سَكباً
وَفُؤادي مُضطَرِمٌ فيهِ نارُ

3. Two companions of her love reside in my heart
I remember her at all times constantly

٣. صَحِبا مِن ودادِها وَسطَ قَلبي
كُلَّ وَقتٍ لَهُ إِلَيها اِدِّكارُ

4. And a good, chaste, lively brother
Whose branch thrived and the carpenter did well

٤. وَأَخاً خَيِّراً عَفيفاً حَييّاً
قَد زَكا فَرعُهُ وَطابَ النِجارُ

5. The homes became lonesome when they left
With them gone, even the hills and ruins had company

٥. أَوحَشَت مِنهُمُ الدِيارُ وَسارُوا
بِهِمُ تَأَنَسُ الرُبا وَالقِفارُ

6. They carried beauty upon their beauty
Radiant lights from them illuminate all people

٦. حمِلَت مِنهُم الجمالُ جمالاً
ساطِعاً مِنهُ لِلوَرى أَنوارُ

7. From them, suns shine in the daytime
And moons appear in their night

٧. أَشرَقَت بِالنَهارِ مِنهُم شُموسٌ
وَتَجَلَّت في لَيلِهم أَقمارُ

8. The ground became fragrant from their scent
When they trod upon it, its soil turns aromatic

٨. عَبِقَت مِن شَذاهُمُ الأَرض لَمّا
وَطِئُوها فَتُربُها مِعطارُ

9. Going to Hejaz for Hajj pilgrimage they traveled
The Quran and remembrance are their banners

٩. قاصِدينَ الحِجازَ لِلحَجِ راحُوا
لَهُمُ الذِكرُ وَالقُرآنُ شِعارُ

10. They reached the House of God and performed Hajj
Thereby unloading their burdens and sins

١٠. بَلَغُوا كَعبةَ الإِلَهِ وَحَجُّوا
فَبِها حُطَّت عَنهُم الأَوزارُ

11. Then they visited the Best Grave, of Mustafa
In it lies the Best of Mankind, the Chosen One

١١. ثُمَ زارُوا لِلمُصطَفى خَيرَ قَبرٍ
فيهِ خَيرُ الخَلائِقِ المُختارُ

12. My heart yearns for Salih, by my life
His travels surely hold lessons to consider

١٢. حَنَّ قَلبي لِصالِحٍ وَلَعَمري
إِنَّ تَرحالهُ لَفِيهِ اِعتِبارُ

13. He performed Hajj as a child with his mother and father
Attaining what most children never attain

١٣. حَجَّ طِفلاً مَع أُمِّهِ وَأَبيهِ
نالَ ما لَم تَنَلهُ قَطُّ الصغارُ

14. They are people who performed Hajj, visited, and succeeded
Destiny assisted them in that regard

١٤. هُم أُناسٌ حَجُّوا وَزارُوا وفازُوا
ساعدتهُم في ذَلِكَ الأَقدارُ

15. As for me, an old man, my sins delayed me
Perhaps the All-Forgiving will pardon me

١٥. وَأَنا الشَيخ أَخَّرتني ذُنوبي
فَعَسى أَن يُسامِحَ الغَفّارُ

16. They left me alone and lonesome, unique
I'm constantly yearning to remember them

١٦. خَلَّفوني وَحدي غَريباً فَريداً
كُلَّ حينٍ يَشُوقُني التَّذكارُ

17. Will I live to see them alive again
And their youthfulness become visible to my eyes?

١٧. أَتُراني أَحيا أُشاهِدُ حَيّانَ
وَتَبدُو لِناظِرَيَّ نُضارُ

18. The two lights of my affection and my heart's bliss
My two companions, if reminiscing visits me

١٨. زَهرتا مُهجَتي وَنُورا فُؤادِي
وَأَنيساي إِن عَراني اِفتِكارُ

19. They left me for a month, then a month, then a month
My heart cannot endure the separation

١٩. فارَقاني شَهراً وَشَهراً وَشَهراً
ما لِقَلبي عِلى الفِراقِ اِصطِبارُ

20. O gentle morning breeze, deliver my greetings
To the loved ones, wherever the journey took them

٢٠. يا نَسيمَ الصَبا أَلا احمِل سَلامي
للأَحبّاءِ حَيثُ شَطَّ المزارُ

21. I told myself, for it was deeply troubled
Be still, for the travels have finished

٢١. قُلتُ لِلنَفسِ وَهيَ ذاتُ اِضطّراب
اِستَكِني فَقَد تَقَضّى السِفارُ

22. A bringer of good news of reunion has come
And tomorrow the beloved homeland will unite us

٢٢. قَد أَتانا مُبَشِر بِالتَداني
وَغَداً تَجمَعُ الحَبيبَ الدِيارُ